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"I'm sorry.."

the familiar voice makes me turn back to see my mother in law bumping with some one and apologising to the stranger

"eomoni?" I was about to make my way to her but she and her husband had already started their track towards us "Jungkook-ah, how's my daughter?" she asks, taking my hand, her voice quivering in worry

"s-she is.." I stop and look back at the doctor to see him taking off his mask "she is alright" he answers with a smile. the news makes my heart relax

"c-can I see her?" I ask, turning my body fully towards him "she is taking a rest now. you can visit her after she wakes up" the doctor informs as I nod my head "what happened to her? was it something serious?" y/n's father asks

"she hit her head very hard which led her to lose a lot of blood. the panic of getting into an accident made her situation more tense but she fought and made it" he explains her condition and I was all ears, attentively listening to each of the words that he voices out

the doctor looks at me with an assuring smile, "I can understand your feelings very well, Mr. Jeon. but there's no need to worry. the both of them are safe. your wife and your baby-"

"Doctor Choi!" the doctor was cut off by his name being called in a hurry. we turn to look behind him and see a nurse coming out from y/n's room

"what happened?" "Mrs. Jeon is asking for you as soon as I told her that you're talking with her family" the nurse tells him "I'm coming in a bit-" "she told me that it was urgent for you to talk to her before you talk with them" she explains causing for him to sigh

"alright. Mr. Jeon, I'll be right back" he turned to leave but I called him back before he vanished into the room "now that she's awake, can I see her?" "after I confirm the status of her health and energy" I nodded, understanding. my eyes on the doctor's back as he left to check on his patient with the nurse from before

end of perspective

"Mrs. Jeon?" you look up to see the doctor entering the room "how are you?" "feeling a bit better" you answer him, your voice expressed your weakness

"the nurse told me that you wanted to talk to me" a sigh escapes your mouth, you nod your head "you know about my pregnancy, don't you?" the doctor furrows his brows but nods to your question "but my family doesn't, doctor"

"what?" he blinks his eyes as you smile "I thought you might reveal the news to them. actually, I want to surprise them" you tell him as he nods "I didn't know. thank you for stopping me then" he laughs making you let out a small chuckle, yourself

"congratulations, Mrs. Jeon. and best of luck for your surprise plan" "thank you, doctor" your heart felt soft

"do you want me to call your husband inside? he is really worried about you" your eyes widened "u-um, sure. call him in"

the doctor smiles at you one last time before exiting the room

you played with your fingers, thinking about what will happen if you tell him about the mixture of you two growing inside of your tummy

will he be happy? will he even accept it? fear arose within you. if he tood you that he didn't want it. what will you do? where will you go with this innocent little soul?

does he even love you? did he even accept you as his wife? at first, it was a marriage of convenience. then later, he was forced

you didn't have any problem raising your both's little one on your own. but you love your husband, you crave for his affection. you want to raise the child with him, together

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now