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It was afternoon and you were on the couch with snacks on the table, watching a show on the television

even tho the show was being played on large screen, put up against wall, you only could think about the incident that happened this morning

blood rushed in through your neck and cheek as you hid your face in your palms

"ugh! why isn't it leaving my head- gsjehwkw!" screaming and against your hands, you physically reacted too by kicking your legs and throwing your hands in the air in such a manner

letting a few seconds pass, you inhaled and exhaled a long breath

and at that moment your phone ringed up, "who's calling me?" you bent down a little to get the rectangular device in your grasp that was laid in the glass coffee table before you

"Jungkook?" your brows raised in curiosity as you picked it up and put it against your ear "y/n" he took your name "yeah?"

"erm.. we have a invitation to be at a party this evening, mom requested me to tell you to come so here I am"


"so, will you go or no?"

"I-" you were hesitating a bit

"if you don't feel comfortable then that's alright" he cut you off

"jungkook.. I don't get it. why you always tell that if I'm not comfortable then-"

"because I brought you in this mess, if it weren't for me then we would've never fake dated and mom would've never talked to your parents about our marriage.. I need to make sure that you're not having any problems"

he explained and all the while you were shushed, listening to his words very attentively ad your heart smiled for some unknown reason

"I'll be ready before that, you'll come to pick me up?"

"ofcourse, I will"


"welcome, the beautiful couple" a lady maybe in late her fifties greeted you both with a warm smile

"thank you, aunty and happy anniversary to you and uncle" Jungkook wished her after passing her the flower bouquet which made her smile become more brighter

"aww, thank you so much" she gave you and jungkook a side hug before turning to you "you must be y/n, right?" you nodded at her question

"it's clear to me now. Jungkook must've waited for someone so pretty and lovely like you" she complimented as you smiled shyly and looked down

"look at you, becoming shy and all" she chuckled "you guys enjoy, you're cousin's are waiting to see your wife"

she then left afterwards to greet the other guests

the restaurant was really huge and decorated with golden interiors and other rich colours that made the place look very mesmerising

"you stay here, I'll come back in a bit" Jungkook told you making you nod

you were in a bar type of place inside the restaurant "what is a pretty girl like you doing alone here?" your eyes travelled to your side to see a man sitting in the chair next to you

"I'm here with my husband-" you gulped, shifting in your place as a sense of uneasiness took over you

"I don't see him around you tho- are you lying?" the guy put on a disgusting smug smile while leaning his side to the counter of the bar

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now