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"my princess has grown up so much, huh? so grown up that she got married to the love of her life" appa pulls me in his embrace and packs my hair while give myself into his warmth

"make sure to visit us often" eomma took turn to hug me after appa pulls away

"I will," I nod my head while mirroring her smile

it was the end of the wedding reception and I was here bidding goodbyes to my close ones with jungkook by my side

my dad, Jungkook's dad and jungkook, himself were together talking to one another about something

my eyes looked, hoping that I would see specific face but no, that wasn't there

I sighed thinking that he might've left the place immediately as he ran away from the garden, out of my sight. leaving me hanging with the unfamiliar sentences

"y/n?" a gentle push on my shoulder made me snap out of my bubble

"it's time for us to go now" jungkook told me and received a nod from me

"yeah.." I bid my final goodbye to everyone before getting inside the car with the help of my now husband


after a while of sitting in the car, jungkook finally pulled up at his place  and drove his car until it was in front of his underground garage

jungkook got out of the car, making me stare at his back in disbelief as he just left in here.. with this long white dress

"jerk" I cursed at his rudeness while struggling to gather my dress so that I can pull it up and get out

"ah!" a scream leaves my mouth when the door beside me opened out of the blue "you scared m-me" I was panting after getting scared, thinking that some stranger might've opened the door and was about to kidnap me

"why would you be scared?" jungkook, the one who I thought that left me here in this car alone, asked me with his confused eyes

"y-you left me and there is no one here. I thought that.. you were a stranger" I sighed, getting my hands of my chest

jungkook scoffed before his gaze fell on me again

"I didn't leave you.. I was just coming to your side from the back and on the way I saw that a tire had some problems and was just checking that out" jungkook explained while I gulped and nodded before attempting to get out from the car on my own

"asking for help isn't that hard, you know?" jungkook tsked before picking up my dress from the bottom after lending me his hand to hold

he slammed the car door shut right after I had moved away "let's go inside?" he asked me again

I nodded as we both made our way inside his huge mansion. it was my second time here, I suppose

the first time was when-

my thoughts paused when my eyes landed on his sofa

that familiar sofa..

why is it so-

my breath hitched

a hand of mine was placed on top of my mouth as a memory came through my mind

I closed my eyes and turned away, not wanting to look at that direction anymore

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now