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Y/n's Perspective

he uttered out the name, 'Yoona'

who is she? does Jungkook know her?

I was hella confused now. is Jungkook knows her then she might be someone close to him

"erm.. Y-Yoona?" the girl switched her eyes from Jungkook to me

"why don't you come inside?" I suggest as Jungkook shot his head at me "what do you think you're doing?" his voice was stern making me think if I was doing something wrong

"w-why? shouldn't we let our guest in?" I asked, dumbfounded with his confusing words

"she's not our guest, y/n. and you" he turns back to the girl in front of him "I want you out of my residence"

Yoona makes a sad face hearing him "is this how you treat your love, kookie?" she says and now I'm confused

'your love' ?

his love?

"and who might this be?" Yoona moves her eyes up and down at my figure making me self-conscious

she was all dolled up, all pretty

and me?

I looked like a failed science experiment..

"one of your maid-" "mind your words, yoona!" Jungkook shouted at her, the both of us flinched a little

"she's my wife, the one you're talking about" he was glaring at her the entire conversation

"you're already married, huh?" Yoona acted surprised "you moved on.. but sadly, I just couldn't-" "I. told. you. to. leave" he cut her off, pressurized every word

"oh, now I get it. why you're so angry?" she starts "it's because you're getting late to work. right, hun?" she didn't get any reply

she smiles a suspicious smile at me before looking back at Jungkook again "or else, you would've tackled me down on the ground in happiness the next you saw me at your doorstep, showered me with kisses all over and who knows?"

she glances at me for a split second before continuing "we also could've ended up in bed by now-" "YOONA!" Jungkook took a step forward making her step back in fear

Jungkook was really furious and heated up right now "you're not gonna listen when I speak to you nicely, huh?"

"I'll go now but I'll come back again later when you're free-" "Mr. Oh!?" he called for our guard instead of listening to her

"yes, sir?" "take her out of my sight this instant" Jungkook ordered and Mr. Oh looked at the woman his boss was referring to

"you need to leave" he stepped forward making her roll her eyes "ugh, I'm leaving now but remember my words- what the heck! I said I'm leaving! stop poking me with that stick!"

I let out a small laugh looking at the scene of Mr. Oh pushing her out of the residence with his stick that he had in his hand

the guard knew that if the lady wasn't worthy of Mr. Jeon's respect, she deserved no one's respect

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now