EP IV | First Day

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"what the hell- really?" Minghao jumped from the coach with a piece of the wings placed between his fingers "yeah.." I looked at him weirdly

"But that's not like Jeon at all" he sat back down before resuming his eating and thinking "also you" he said and turned towards me. I raised an eyebrow of mine, telling him to continue "how did you even manage to sass around and say those words to him" I just shrugged while taking hold of the beer can

"You're starting from tomorrow, right?" I nodded at that while chugging the liquid "I'm going to take a cab" I told him before taking a bite of the delicious chicken

"Alrighty" he giggled as we both just gossiped the rest of the night away

Time skip

"here's your order" the waiter said making me look up from my phone's screen to him "thank you-" my breathe hitched meeting with those familiar pair of eyes after a really, really long time

"y/n?" my heart started to beat in an inhuman speed hearing my name in his voice after so many years "h-hey.." ofcourse, it had to sound awkward.

I mentally cursed at myself "remember me? from highschool" he asked smiling at me making my heart flutter

Oh, how can I forget the man that had made me come to this hell in other name.. school?

"Yah, Where are you lost? Or did you really forget me?" He chuckled as I snapped myself back to reality "N-No, I still do remember you.. Dohyun" I bit my lower lip hearing a soft chuckle leave his mouth

"I'm glad that you do" you looked up at him "so, how are you in Seoul?" He asked as I replied "I don't know how to answer that to be honest" I mumbled and sipped on my cold coffee

"wait.." his voice made me look up at him "there's cream on your lips" he brought his hand up and sensing the situation, I quickly circled my tongue over my lips

Seeing his amused expression I realized what I had done. Gasping, I quickly shut my mouth up with my hands, completely being embarrassed about my doings

"I'm really sorry-" "cute" a light shade of pink spread across your cheeks hearing his whisper "I have to go now" you got up and hung the bag over your shoulder making him get up too

"where do you wanna go.. let me drop you" he suggested but you didn't want to trouble him any more, especially when meeting after so long

"thanks for the sweet gesture but I had booked a cab already and it just arrived" I smiled and took steps to exit before feeling a tug on my right wrist

Looking back, I stared at our hands making him take his hand back "uhm.. can we exchange numbers?" He asked in a low tone but loud enough for me to hear "s-sure" taking his phone in my grasp, I put my number in his contacts

"Make sure to come here when you're free.. I'll love to have your company" he smiled as I nodded before finally exiting the café with a heart that was racing in an inhuman speed

"Where to ma'am?" The cab driver asked as I told him the address before he finally stared the car's engine to drive to the desired destination

"Welcome to Jeon's OutWear, how many I-" the receptionist boy got cut off after seeing you in front of him with a smirk that was dancing on your lips

"cat got your tongue?" I sarcastically asked before scanning my ID card on the device placed on the wall beside him and walked my pretty walk to the elevator

"Good morning, Ms. Euk" I got a bit startled hearing the familiar deep voice out of the blue "o-oh, good morning" I let out an awkward laugh and the male seemed to get my surprised state "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He apologized as I softly smiled and shook my head "it's alright, no need to say sorry" he nodded before leaning on my desk

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