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"I love you too" a light shade of pink spread across my cheeks as I finally let him know about my feelings

it was not my first falling in love but it was the first time for someone to fall in love with me

I felt shy afterwards. but when I gathered the courage to look up at his face, my heart tore in pieces. his eyes were filled with tears

"Jungkook.." I softly called his name and cupped his face "why are you crying?" I ask him as he sniffs. my thumb rubs off the tear that slipped and was rolling down his cheek

"I just can't believe it.." he tells me and I tilt my head, hearing him as he continues "I told you about my feelings. and you accepted. I also got to know about m-my baby, our baby growing inside your womb" a smile forms on my lips

Jungkook was so fragile at the moment. and he looked adorable whenever he was

"thank you for accepting me, love" he leans down, hugs my figure closer and snuggles his face inside the crook of my neck

"love.." he starts to speak "I thought I used to call you 'love' just to tease you. but no.." he laughs "I just liked calling you love because I liked the thought you being my love. my heart feels at ease and flutters it's way up to the seventh sky"

I bite my lower lip in, "so, you meant every 'love' you called me?" my voice whisper-asks him "mm-hmm" he nods his head on my shoulder

"you know you're so cute, koo?" he snaps his head up from my shoulder at an instant "what did you just call me?" his question makes me feel embarrassed "I-I'm sorry if you didn't like it" I tell him and remove my eyes from him

"no" his fingers firmly grips my chin before he pulls my face ever so gently to make me meet his eyes again "I love it" his voice whispers

"r-really?" I ask him, dumbfounded "yes, ofcourse. it's very cute" my eyes gets lost in his precious little bunny smile that he flashes at me

"I just blurted it out" my hands grip his shirt as shyness take the best of me "I'm glad that you did"

"I want you to call me by that from now on" he tells me "should I really?" grasping my hand that I had placed on his chest previously, he nods at me

"koo.." I call him by the new nickname I gave him, my voice in a teasing manner "oh God" he grips my hand tight and acts to be dramatically fainting "I just confessed to you, love. I have a wish to spend a long life with you. don't kill me like that, please" I laugh at him

glancing back at the sky, I ask him "is the show over?" he shakes his head "no, there's still a little more" his answers sparks my excitement "I want to enjoy it" he smiles "ofcourse. it is just for you anyways"

I giggle and turn around. the fireworks starts to burst again, painting the sky in beautiful colours

I enjoy the view, being cuddled in my love's and my lover's arms

"I love you" Jungkook suddenly whispers into my ears "I love you too, koo" I whisper back


"guys, the movie is about to start" I hear Jimin whine from the living room "the movie will not start until you play it, idiot" Hoyeon scolds and smacks Jimin's head from the back making him scratch his head and glare at her

"you need some help?" Jungkook comes and hugs me from behind "no, there's nothing I need your help to do so" I answer, being busy keeping all the snacks on the tray

"mhm, but I need your need your help" I turn around and nod to him "yeah? what is it?" I ask him, innocently but the smile he had on while staring back at me didn't look innocent at all

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now