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"what? why?" those were my first questions that I threw at him "ehem.. I meant when are you going? and when will you come back?"

Seojoon narrows his eyes at me, "along with your brain, did you lose your hearing ability too?" his question made me raise my brows "yah! what do you mean? I have two brains and four ears. got that?" I point towards my baby bump, my head and then my ears

he scoffed, "then why didn't you hear what I just said?" I look at him with a frown "I did. 'I'm going back back to Korea' that is what you said" he just smacks his forehead in disbelief and looks at me again

"I said that 'we' are going. not just me" hearing him, my eyes widens "the heck? no, I'm not going back. what are you planning? pushing me back to mom and dad so they make me go to my husband?"

"if you're tired of me then say so. I'll leave" by now, tears were welling up in my eyes. I could see Seojoon panicking and rushing towards me "yah, dumbo! how can I ever be tired of you, hm?" he cups my cheeks and wipes my tears away, clearing my watery vision

"you have to come with me because I don't have anyone here to trust you with. and I can't risk your safety. not a second I'll be able to pass without worrying if I leave you alone in this country where everything is new to you" he did have a point but I was too scared to go back there

"w-what if mom and dad finds me? and what if h-he finds me?" Seojoon sighs "I won't tell them. and about your husband, I don't even know him to tell him about you" I bite my lower lip

a sigh escapes my mouth before I look up at him again "I'll come with you"

end of perspective

Jungkook's Perspective

"how's the preparation going?" I ask Taehyung while my eyes were focused on the file that I was checking

"everything is perfect" Taehyung says to me as I nod at him before closing the file and keeping down on the table. throwing my head back on the headrest of my chair, I let out a frustrated sigh

"what happened? you seem tired" Taehyung comments on my situation "I am" I let him know in my weak voice "you don't have any more work for today. you can go home" a sad chuckle leaves my mouth "home? it doesn't feel like home anymore, Tae. not anymore after she left" before I can even comprehend anything, a lone tear slipped out of my eye without my permission

"kook, don't be so sad everytime. I believe that she'll come back very soon" Taehyung tries to comfort me

every day, I wake feeling lonely. y/n used to sleep on the right side of the bed while I slept on the left side. after she left, I found myself crawling to her side of the bed which was empty every day. I'm used to sleeping on her side of the bed now

at the very beginning of her runaway, I used to find her warmth in her side. the side was filled with her scent which calmed my mind down everytime. but it's been almost three months since she left

her scent and warmth was slowly leaving. I was afraid I might go insane

every night, I come back to our mansion after a long tiring day. the only thing I crave for was her presence. but it wasn't there anymore

pushing away those thoughts, my eyes  starts to glow after remembering about someone "Taehyung!" I call out his name and he looks at me with his raised eye brow "you seem to be in a good mood again" I smile hearing him

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