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"what are you saying, eomma!?" Jungkook suddenly raised up from his chair, taking everyone's attention

"what happened, jungkook?" his mother batted her eyelashes while staring her son

he looked around at every one's faces, mentally slapping his forehead when he realized that he had let his reflexes  be shown to everyone

"no, mom. It's just that.. I wanted propose to her but.." he clicked his tongue while shooting daggers at you

he expected some other reactions - such as your flustered expression maybe?

but his brows knitted when you heaved out a heavy sigh

"Oh, I'm sorry.. I thought that you wouldn't propose her cause- well never mind.. I'm actually really sorry, but it's already done" her voice clearly screamed her genuine feelings

"you don't have to apologise. It's alright" jungkook smiled making his mom relieved

"So, we'll arrange the engagement ceremony in two weeks.. how does that sound?" Mrs. Jeon chirped

her eyes travelled towards you and jungkook as you both nodded

"make sure to come wherever you want, love" your mom kissed your forehead while your dad caressed your back

"I will, bye" you smiled before turning behind to see your boyfriend, who's also now your soon to be fiancé leaning his back against his car

"you haven't left yet?" you asked as soon you stood in front him

his facial expressions was stern, as if he was mad for some reason?

"get in, I'll drop you off" he voiced before sitting on the driver's seat and slamming the door shut right after

you flinched at his hard actions. your parents were already inside. you sighed before denying his offer

"I know I've pissed you off, I'm sorry for that.. and you don't have to drop me home, I'll manage" you confronted before respectfully bowing and turned your heels to leave

you were taken aback when a pull on your wrist made you stumble back on your steps

"if you know you've angered me then why are you fuelling the fire?" Jungkook's voice was stern and a mix of annoyance was visible

"I don't wanna trouble you-" "oh, stop it" he cut you off "now get inside and let me take you to your place like a good girl" he left your wrist and walked back towards his car

you bit your lower lip before taking steps towards the car and got inside of it

a few minutes went in silence as jungkook drove towards your apartment while you quietly sat beside him on the passenger seat

the silence wasn't comfortable. you took a glance at the man sat beside you before focusing your gaze down  on your lap while playing with your fingers in nervousness after witnessing jungkook's mad face

"I'm sorry.." you mumbled making him sneak a glance at you before focusing back on the road again, complete ignoring your apology

you let out a shaky breath when you acknowledged his obvious ignorance towards you

"I-I'm really sorry. I've messed it all up" jungkook's eyes widened when your sobs made it's way into his ears

"y/n.." he called your name as you broke down "I was just so caught up at the moment that-" a hiccup occurred, stopping you from explaining

"y/n, calm down please. let me just park the car.." he said before swiftly turning the steering wheel to the left

"hey hey, don't cry. let's go to that park, you'll feel better as we talk" he suggested as you sniffed and nodded before doing as said


you were sitting down on one of the benches of the park, alone as jungkook left you and said that he will come back quickly

rubbing your nose, you sighed before rethinking your actions when you heard footsteps coming from your right

you turned your head to see that jungkook came and that too with ice creams in his both hands

"what are these?" your face scrunched

jungkook rolled his eyes before passing one to you "from what alien spaceship you fell from that you don't know ice cream, woman?" he joked

you couldn't help but laugh as well

"thank you" you took a bite as he sat himself down beside you

"so?.. let's talk" jungkook turned towards you as you also gave him your attention

"I didn't tell you this but.. my parents had abandoned me few years back.." you continued to tell him your disheartening story

whenever you remembered about that dark period of your life, you always break down

No matter where you were or who you were with

Jungkook felt his heart clench when he heard about all of that from your mouth

"it was really hard.. but now that everything is good again, I can't help but be so thankful" you cried out

"Trust me, I was about to reject the marriage proposal but when appa said those things to me, I don't know why but I suddenly lost my focus"

"The last thing I ever did with them was disobeying them.." you took in a deep breath

"that's why I wasn't able to reject them this time.. I'm really sorry-" you hiccuped

jungkook quickly engulfed you in his embrace and continued to caress your hair while you cried your heart out against his chest

"I'm really sorry, I really am.." your muffled voice kept on repeating

he held you tight and tried to calm you down

"shh, y/n. don't cry anymore"

"It's all right now, yeah?"

he whispered comforting words in your ears

"I know your pain, y/n.."

"I know how miserable you feel when you get abandoned by your loved ones" his lips broke into a broken smile as tears welled up in his eyes

"especially when it's by your mother.."

"I know that very well"


can ya'll understand what's happening? 🤔❓

btw, the chapter is really short, I know 😔✋ but I wanted to end this chapter with this line.. so, see on the next chapter 😉😙👋

please vote and comment to keep me motivated to update the episodes :)

- Author, Adi <3

It's really demotivating to see everyone add this story to their reading lists but not voting and commenting about anything (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

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