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"so? why are you shivering?" Jungkook asked, being genuinely confused while you looked up at his face with tears brimming in your eyes

"pick it up, Ms. Euk" he said wiping your tears which he didn't know why they were forming

you looked back at your phone's screen. your thumb slowly went closer to the accept button

jungkook's brow clashed together when you took it back again, backing  up from answering the call "why?" "m-maybe he called me by accident" you sniffed

"seriously?" jungkook tsked before answering the call himself "what-" you were taken back

"It's answered already, talk" jungkook whispered, pushing the phone closer to your ear

"y-y/n-ah" the voice that spoke from the other side, made your mind go blank

jungkook nudged your shoulders "answer" he whispered

you took in a deep breath and let it out before opening your mouth, struggling to say a simple "y-yes?"

there was a silence for a few seconds. you heard little sobs coming from the other side

your brows furrowed in confusion

why is he calling me?

what does he want to tell me?

does he really have anything to say?

your chain of thoughts broke when you heard your dad's voice

"can you.. can you come to us?"

Time skip

you were now standing in front of the doors of your childhood, your home..

"do you want me to ring the bell?" you looked at your side to see your boss standing there. yes, you also brought him here

he insisted to..

you shook your head before hesitantly ringing the bell

it was a few seconds later when the door opened, revealing the lady who gave birth to you, your mother

her eyes glistened while looking at your face

"c-come in" she smiled at the both of you before stepping aside, making way for you to enter inside

you were confused, why didn't she question anything about the unknown male standing beside you

shrugging the thought, you took in a deep breath before stepping your first step inside after so many years

you didn't know how you were able to suppressing all the emotions you were feeling right now

entering further inside, you saw an elderly man walking back and forth in the living room, seeming to be impatient for something

you heard a huff coming from him before he turned towards your direction "honey, did my daughter and my son-in-" the man halted in his actions, overwhelmed by the scene in front of him

"y/n.." the man, your father mumbled your name

you bowed "M-Mr. Euk.."

he laughed. but the feelings were not of happiness

he looked up at you, his eyes now filled with tears

"your so mad at your dad that you won't even call him father, anymore?"

you shook you head at his words

"would you allow me to?"

your father broke into tears just as you said that

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now