EP VIII | Café

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"hey, y/n" Dohyun exclaimed as soon as he saw you entering his café "happy to see you here" he smiled making your cheeks heat up for some reason "hey.." you smiled back "come" he directed you to the counter

you sat yourself down on the chair "how did your day go?" He asked while settling some ingredients in front of you "it was.. nice" mumbling under your breathe, you smiled to yourself remembering about the time in Jungkook's office


"sorry?" you whispered, turning back to face him "Thank you, Ms. Euk" he repeated while avoiding eye contacts when you noticed he has gotten up from his seat

you both didn't know what to say after that which led to both of you to stand still in awkwardness "Thank you for.." he continued making you look back up at him again "looking after me" he mumbled but you heard it making you unknowingly smile

"there's nothing to say thank you about, sir. It was my duty to do so.. and the if there's anything else you need, I want you know that I'll be here" he looked up making you both make an eye contact which you instantly broke "Mr. Kang never thought of that.. the only person who was able to comfort me at my worst was Dad,Mom, Tae and-" he suddenly stopped as his smile dropped

"..someone" he looked away while heaving out a heavy breathe "it felt nice that you thought of that" he changed his facial expression before locking eyes with you again "thank you again" you shook your head "it's nothing" passing a small smile, you finally exited

End of Flashback

"lost somewhere?" Dohyun's voice snapped you back to present "N-No.." you stuttered which Dohyun found cute and eventually chuckled. Gosh. you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear being embarrassed and shy

"Now tell me.. what would you like to have?" He leaned down as his eyes pierced through your soul while he stared at your eyes with his intimidating ones which soon made you look away "I don't wanna trouble you.." you mumbled and Dohyun playfully rolled his eyes at your statement

"Aish! Don't talk shits! Alright.. I'll make you cold coffee then?" He suggested as you couldn't help but to nod making him instantly start the process

"So.." Dohyun cleared his throat so that you would bring your focus on him from your from your phone which you actually did "do you.. erm.. like someone?" He finally formed his question as you felt yourself going dumbfounded hearing it coming from someone whom you once used to go crazy over.. not like you have completely gotten over the feelings but it isn't strong like before

you let out an awkward laugh before looking back at him again to see him already looking at you as if he was waiting for the answers for so long "n-no.. I guess" you scratched the back of your neck seeing him finally take off his gaze from you

"well, let me ask you the same then" you muttered catching his attention again "huh?" "do you have.. someone.. that you like?" you tilted your head, waiting for an answer

"m-me? aha.. n-no no! I don't have anyone" he laughed but one thing you noticed was that he was nervous while answering that which made somewhere in you feel like as if he was hesitant and was lying

"you sure?" you asked making the male instantly nod but the hesitancy was still visible "I mean.. what would I get lying to you?" he laughed but you just nodded still not taking it

"well.. what about hyejin?"

that simple question of yours seemed to take back the male as you noticed how his eyes had enlarged when he heard it

"w-what about her?" he questioned back while moving his gaze at you "you two aren't together anymore?" you asked out of curiosity "no ofcourse not!" his voice came out rough as if he was trying to make you believe it

"I-I mean.. it was just an high school fling. It has been nine years since we graduated" he explained making you pout and nod "but all of us, students thought that you both will last life time" you uttered and following "you both were so made for each other" you confessed

"Not everything goes according to our thoughts.. now does it?" He said but you just shrugged "here's your cold coffee" he put the mug in front of you as you picked it up and sipped from the drink "woah.. it's really good" you complimented at the delicious taste "thanks" Dohyun blushed and scratched his nape

after awhile of talking with each other, catching about one another's life, you checked the time on your wrist watch and saw that it was almost 9 so you decided to head home now

"It was nice spending time with you" you got up from the chair and prepared to leave "my pleasure" he smiled before leading your way to the exit "let me walk you" he suggested "no, it's alright" you denied but he wasn't going to take a no

"Come on, I'll get to stay with for bit more" he mumbled out of the blue which made your face put on a dumbfounded expression as your heart started to beat in an inhuman speed

"I-I'll get my things" Dohyun sprinted off inside his café again while your cheeks felt like they were burning "calm down, you idiot! He just meant it as friendly" you scolded your heart "who are scolding?" That voice caught you off-guard

turning to your side you saw Dohyun mischievously smiling at you which made your face go red in embarrassment "it's nothing, let's go" you pouted and turned around to start walking towards your house

"cute" Dohyun shook his head and chuckled seeing you sulk and cutely walk away "yah, wait for me!" Dohyun ran after you and slowed down his pace, finally catching up with you

"yeah, that was really funny" you laughed with him and realized that you both reached your apartment's building "alright, I'll see you later-" your voice got off when you noticed a figure leaned against a black Mercedes Benz

Squinting your eyes, you tried to see him more clearly because it seemed that he was looking at you and Dohyun

"Who's he?" You mumbled under you breathe and soon the figure started to walk his way towards you "what-" your eyes now enlarged at such point that they were almost about pop out of their sockets when the silhouette started get clearer and you realized who it was

His furious figure marched towards your direction making you gasp and totally forgot about the confused male standing beside you

"y/n, are you okay-"

"M-Mr. Jeon?"


please vote and comment to keep me motivated to update the episodes :)

- Author, Adi <3

It's really demotivating to see everyone add this story to their reading lists but not voting and commenting about anything (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

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