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I smile and nod, taking my hand back "I know I have a very unique surname as a Korean" Mr. Euk jokes as I shake my head in denial "my wife actually has that exact surname.. though she's a Jeon now" I proudly tell him the information "she's korean?" he asks, curious

"yes, she is" his head nods, understandingly "it's not a korean surname so" he shrugs "but I hope to see Mrs. Jeon very soon" he smiles before walking away from me to sit on his assigned chair

a sad smile forms across my lips, "I hope for that to happen too.."


coming back home after a very tiring a day, I lazily opened the door to my mansion before entering inside. closing the door behind me, I was standing still at my place. it was a habit. habit of mine to come home and wait for my love to run to me before being attacked by her hugs and kisses

I sigh

but there was no her here anymore to do that. months went by but I'm still stuck here. imagining that maybe some miracle will happen and she'll be back in my arms again, running to me and showering me with her love, causing all of my pain to banish in seconds

weakly making my way inside, I heard the voice of my parents. they were talking to each other. I wasn't going to mind them and make my way upstairs to the bedroom until I heard her name being mentioned in their conversation

"honey, I can't see our kook like this anymore. it hurts so much. as a mother, it breaks my heart into pieces to see him slowly losing himself like this.. is there really nothing we can do? is there no way to bring y/n back?"

hearing eomma's words, it broke me. I feel like I should be strong for my family but I'm too weak to do so. I need my y/n to be strong. she's the one who can tolerate me, give me strength and everything

"police are still doing their work, trying to find her. we also did everything we could do. our Jungkook is also trying every day to find her but nothing's happening. no clue about her" appa said, getting up from his place to walk to eomma and comfort her "don't worry, purple. everything will be alright again"

tears welled up in my eyes seeing them like this. eomma takes in a deep breath and opens her mouth to talk again "it's been four months. I'm slowly starting lose hope.. I don't want to say this but"

"what if she never comes back?"

my breath hitched. the line she just said had triggered me. she would've never dared to even think about it if I was in front of her. but she was unknown to my presence, hearing each and every sentences the two of them shared with each other

I finally entered the scene. eomma, sensing my presence, she quickly wiped her tears away

"she will, eomma" she looked at me with wide eyes "your daughter-in-law, my y/n will come back. don't lose hope, hm?" I forced a smile at her. but she was my mother. she understood how hard I was trying not to collapse on the ground and cry my heart out, yearning for the presence of my wife here with me

"she can't just leave me like this after making my life beautiful again. she's the reason why I feel like a human. she's the reason my messed up life is all right now. I believe that my y/n will come back to me. she will never hurt me. she can never"

end of perspective

"Junieee~" coming back to his place, Seojoon heard a very cheerful voice call his name "careful, y/n. you're now seven months pregnant. you should not run" you pouted at his lectures

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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