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It turns out that the lady at the place was Jungkook's biological mother. I brought him here because of that. I didn't exactly know her face though and that is why I was confused and surprised at first

I made her sit beside me and we three were talking about random things. She became emotional after seeing her son after so many years

Jungkook also felt emotional, I could tell it by his face

"do you want to meet your brother?" she asks Jungkook "where is he?" he looks around him causing for his mother to let out a chuckle

"I'll call for him" she smiles before calling out his son's name and a very young boy who is in his teenage comes in

"yes, eomma?" he stands beside his mother "Jae-ah, look who's here?" she gestures towards Jungkook and Jae looks at him with confused eyes

"do you know him?" she asks, to which Jae shakes his head "but he does kinda look like me" the boy scratches his nape

"he's your older brother, Jungkook" Jae widens his eyes at the information "what, really?" he looks at his mother before looking back at the man in front of him who he just got to know is his brother

"remember I told you about having two beautiful children before you and before meeting your dad?" Jae slowly nods his head, confirming that he does remember

"you've already your Jieun noona, now meet your hyung" she smiles sweetly at her son

"how are you, Jae?" Jungkook asks "I-I'm fine.." Jae's nervousness is visible in his smile "don't be nervous. come, sit here with me" Jungkook pats the empty chair beside him as Jae goes around to do so

"woah- and who is this pretty noona?" Jae asks as soon as he sits and his eyes lands on me "she's your sister in law, my wife" Jae looks at the male beside him with a defeated expression which makes Jungkook tilt his head and ask "why?"

"she's already married?" he asks making Jungkook nod as an answer "aish~" Jae whines in disappointment before he snaps his head at me

"noona, do you have any younger sister? like hyung has me?" his voices impatiently making me let out a laugh "why are you asking?" "you're already hyung's. I can't be with you.. so, if you have any sister she most probably will be pretty like you" he explains, just to receive a scoff from his brother

"you know her husband is sitting right beside you" Jungkook reminds him but Jae just shakes his head, trying to justify himself "yeah and that is why I'm asking she has a sister or no" he turns to me again

"no, I don't have a sister. but I believe you'll a girl more prettier then me" I try to tell him but he shakes his head, drops his shoulder before leaning back on the chair

"no, I'll not find anyone prettier then you. hyung is a very lucky man" he pouts in sadness, crosses his arms over his chest and turns to face Jungkook who is already looking at him

his eyes switch from Jae to me, a smile find it's way to his lips "I am.." Jungkook agrees and feel my face blushing

I break the eye contact, try to clear my redness as I clear my throat

"look, Jae's appa is already here" we all look to the entry way and see a man in his late fifties walking in with groceries in his hands

he spots us, keeps the bag aside and joins us in the conversation


"you knew she was here.." I stop on my walk and look beside him "I did" I don't lie and surrender

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now