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someone's perspective

- December, 2015

there she was, the only girl that ruled my heart. the only girl who makes my heart skip a beat, who makes my heart beat in an inhuman speed

my eyes were stuck on her figure that radiated nothing but beautiful energy. I admired her with a small smile tugged on the corner of my lips as she smiles widely, laughs loudly while enjoying her time with her friends

"look, guys. the lover boy is busy in falling deeply in love again~" I knew that the teasing and laughs were directed at me

I forcefully tear my gaze from her and roll my eyes to my friends "oh? so she is the one who's got you so whipped, hm?" all of them turned their head back to look at her group of friends

"Euk Y/n? I can see why you'd fall for her" I looked at my friend with disbelief as he only smirked at me "you know what? Imma go tell her about your feelings-" my eyes widened hearing him

"what! no, Eric, you won't do anything like that!" I pulled him back by his bicep when I was alerted that he was about to approach her

"gosh, Dohyun! why do you not want her to know about your feelings?" another friend of ours, Suho asked me

the expression they had screamed that they were pissed at me "dude, only two months are left and then graduation will come. you know that after that you will be too late" Eric's words hit me hard

"and what if someone else confesses to her before you do?" Levi's statement made me feel scared. they both were very right and that is how reality works

"but, what if it's one-sided? what if she.. doesn't feel anything for me at all?" I hear Suho groaning after listening to my insecurities

"and what if it isn't one-sided? what if she does indeed feel the same towards you?" he tried to make me feel positive about my confession "that would be magical" I whisper and bring my eyes up to look at her again

and just as I do, our eyes meet. I feel the oxygen being stuck in my throat. even though she was a bit far from me, in the opposite side of the hallway  across from us, I could clearly see her brown bambi eyes widening before she snapped her head to her front, breaking our eye contact

I also felt my cheeks heating up feeling flustered with this mere interaction that we had through our eyes

but was that really something mere? no, absolutely not! she was capable to cause my mind to be a whole mess just my her littlest gaze she lays at my direction

"confess whenever you want, Dohyun. but do it before it's too late" I nod at them and let out a sigh, torn between the beauty of being with her and my insecurities


school hours ended and here I was sitting under a tree, sketching away on my little sketchbook that I carry around with me. the park I was in was filled with little kids playing around

their parents were watching their kids play with an adoring smile on their faces. the scene of them playing was really heartwarming

I focused back on completing my sketch that I was making at the moment. it was the scene of y/n smiling brightly beside the lockers while talking with her friends, on the day I got caught admiring her

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now