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Sohee's body was trembling. she hesitantly looked up with her hand on her cheek, the cheek which Jungkook blessed with stinging pain

Jungkook's jaw clenched, his bambi eyes now burned in anger. he was furious

I blinked. my tears rolled down my cheeks. I never saw this side of him

"you crossed the limit, that too by millions of miles.. this small slap is just 0.00000001 % of what I could possibly do to you" his chest went up and down

Sohee started crying. she walked to stand in front of her boyfriend

"M-Mingyu-" she was cut off and that to by another slap. everyone gasped this time. Mingyu slapped her. slapped the girl he was always head over heels for

"damn, bro" Jungkook laughed, enjoying the scene very well

"h-how could you?" she uttered in disbelief "leave. right. now" Mingyu says to her, he was not looking at her

"babe-" "I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!" Sohee flinched. she was already way embarrassed now. the boy who always used to side with her is now shouting on her

she ran away from the place. Jungkook looked at his friend and saw him standing still in his place, no expression on his face

he walked up to him and gripped his shoulders, Mingyu snapped back to reality and looked at him

"you did great" he patted his shoulder. Mingyu sighed, put on a smile and nodded

"Mingyu-ah, we'll have to leave" Jungkook exclaimed making Mingyu drop his smile and ask "why? you guys just came"

Jungkook sighed and looked at me. his eyes widened when he saw my face. cheeks are stained with tears

he marched towards me and cupped my face. I had no surprised expression on, I was too hurt to express it

"y/n, I'm sorry" he uses his thumbs to wipe my tears, kisses my eyes close before loosening his grip

"y/n needs to be freshed up" he comments on my situation and intertwines our hands

"well, if that's the only case then you both don't need to leave actually" Mingyu smiles brightly again making me and Jungkook confused

"me, Wonwoo and Yujin bought a gift for y/n.. maybe she can use it now" he says and Wonwoo tells his girlfriend to help me "come on, y/n"

I look at Jungkook before letting go of his hand and make my way inside while Yujin leads the way


"you make it look hundred times more prettier" she claps her hand as i stare at myself in the mirror, wearing a very beautifully purple coloured full sleeves dress that reaches under my knees

the dress, the colour reminds me of Mr. and Mrs. Jeon's love for each other. Jungkook told me about it once. his father always calls his mother by the beautiful nickname given by himself


in Mr. Jeon's perspective, purple is the last colour of the rainbow and it means forever, it means eternity

Mrs. Jeon was Mr. Jeon's forever, his eternity

if there was something Jungkook adored the most in this whole entire world. it is his parent's love for on
they looked very cute and adorable together. I chuckled and shook my head

I take a deep breath and follow Yujin outside again. everyone turned their head when they sensed our presence

Jungkook's head also turns, so does his body. he freezes when gets to see me, his lips are parted

I became nervous suddenly. I stood in front of Jungkook, a little far

Mingyu nudged him by the shoulder. he tore his gaze from my figure but look at me again

I saw as he took slow towards me. my heart started to beat rapidly while I lowered my gaze after feeling my cheeks burning up

a pair of black well polished shoes spawned in front of me. he placed his two finger on my chin and made me look up

I gulped the lump down my throat when he leaned in closer to whisper in my ears

"I never knew that I married such a cruel beauty who didn't think twice to murder this poor heart of mine"

I blushed at his choice words. he moves away from my ear to lean and peck my lips

"you're making it hard for me to breathe, purple.."

my breath hitched-


I was in Jungkook's parent's house right now. while Jungkook and his dad were talking business, his mother pulled into the living room and now we were sitting on the sofa, talking about random stuff

"I got to know that Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are back on good terms again? and that too because of you?" she suddenly brings the topic up

"it's not just because of me. Taehyung and my best friend, Minghao played huge roles too" I smiled at her

"I heard from Jungkook's dad that the three of them were best friends since they were in their underwears" she chuckles while telling me. but I'm confused at a part

what does she mean Jungkook's father told her that?

I shrug that off. it was most probably an unnecessary thought

"y/n.. I have a request for you" I turned to look at her with my narrowed eyes "yeah?" she nods "you brought the two best friends back together again. maybe you can also bring another pair together?" her eyes glistened with hope

"and who might they be?"

"y/n-ah" she scoots closer to and take my hand

"maybe it's time for you to learn a hidden truth about your husband.."

what hidden truth is she talking about?

I was all ears now

she takes a deep breath and lets it out. opens her eyes to directly look at me in the eyes and speaks

"y/n-ah, you have a sister-in-law.."


tomorrow is my first day of school as an eighth grader.. I'm nervous and excited 😭

please vote and comment to keep me motivated to update the episodes :)

- Author, Adi <3

It's really demotivating to see everyone add this story to their reading lists but not voting and commenting about anything (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

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