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"what?" I was shocked, receiving the information "there must be some mistakes" my voice shivered. the Doctor shook his head "there's no mistake, Mrs. Jeon. you're a week pregnant"

tears well up in my eyes, hearing him. "really?" my voice comes out cracked "yes, Mrs. Jeon" the Doctor smiles at me and I cover my mouth as sobs escape my mouth

"oh my God" I felt so overwhelmed, the emotions are slowly taking over me. the news that a little baby is growing inside me is very surprising

"thank you, doctor" I wipe my tears and smile at him "congratulations.  and be extra careful from today. make sure visit me once every week to know how you're little one is doing, hm?" I nod my head at him and finally leave the place


end of perspective

you walked out of the elevator and made your way to your office to see your husband standing there

"y/n? what took you so long?" he approached you as soon as he saw you "oh, it's just traffic- owh" and there, the pain hit your head again as you held your head

"what happened?" he held your arms to provide support for you "it's just a small headache. don't worry" you told him, getting back the control of your mind and body

"enough now. I'm calling Doc. Eun" Jungkook was about to call the family doctor but you stopped him "there's no need for that" "there is, y/n. your health is not good"

"Jungkook, I've visited a doctor already" you decided to tell him the truth about your whereabouts "what?" he brings down his hand which grasped his phone and looked at you, confused "I went to a hospital this morning and a doctor checked me"

"what did he say?" he asks, taking a step closer to you. your eyes beamed as he looked at you with concern now

'he told me that I am pregnant, Jungkook. I am pregnant with your baby. a little us is growing inside of my tummy'

"h-he said that I need to eat more" you end up lying to him instead. you weren't ready to tell him about the mini kook and y/nie growing inside of you yet. you weren't ready for his rejection. you were scared that he might not feel anything similar

it was an forced married after all. his mother didn't pay any heed to his protest and got you to married at the church after finding out about your two's little play

"why were you starving yourself?" his voice layered with disbelief and anger at you "I just forgot.." you couldn't find an logical answer at that moment

"really, y/n?" Jungkook's voice dropped with disappointment as you looked down and played with fingers "sorry.."

you heard Jungkook sigh before he placed his hand on your head and said, "I'll make sure that you eat good from now on"


on the other hand, someone else was drowning in the ocean of embarrassment, disappointed and disgust

the feeling of being misunderstood by two specific person was eating him up. he heaved out a heavy breathe, looking outside the balcony, enjoying the cold wind

"Dohyun?" a honey like voice called his name. he opened his eyes and turned to around to see his girlfriend standing at a distance from him, she had pyjamas on

"is something bothering you?" she approached him with concern "no, there's no such thing" Dohyun looked away and sniffed, trying to hide his vulnerable face from his girlfriend

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now