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Dohyun's face flushed in embarrassment, he cleared his throat and got up from his place to leave your sight "where are you going, babe?" Hyejin, who was confused seeing her boyfriend walk somewhere else when she told him to wait for her at the place where they both sat before, asked him while looking at him with her doe eyes

Dohyun smiles, finding her confused face adorable "I wanted to talk to others here. will you join me?" he asks her and she nods nonchalantly while holding his hand "ofcourse"

you watch as they make their way away. a sigh leaves your mouth without your consent "I just hope he starts to treat her again" Jungkook heard that but he didn't know what to tell you. so, he just keeps silent


Y/n's Perspective

"here's the file you asked for" I slid the file on the table to him. he nods after eyeing the object I passed to him "I'll take my leave-" I leaned down a bit to bow in front of him in respect and as I was about to straighten my posture, my mind suddenly started to go blank and I wasn't able to understand anything anymore. the only thing I felt was pain causing me to groan out loud "ahh-"

Jungkook looked up immediately after hearing me "y/n!" I could hear panic in his voice as well as the rushed steps he took towards me after noticing that I was about to fall soon

"y/n, what happened? look at me, love. tell me what's wrong" he caught my figure before I was about to collapse on the ground. his arms held me tight and close to his body. his protection towards be could sensed in his actions and voice when he spoke "please, open your eyes" his fingers were tapped against my cheeks to keep me awake but it was too late as my vision went all black and I fell unconscious in his arms


I wake up to bright lights being shined on me and it takes me a full minute to realise that it was the lights that made the room bright

"where am I?" it felt like I was laid down on a couch. putting my palms on the soft surface, I pushed a force down to bring myself up "what are you doing?" a voice speaks to me in a loud voice. I wasn't expecting anyone to be here

"Jungkook?" my voice was weak because of the slow recovery "you need to take rest. lie back down" he places his hand on the back of my head and carefully makes me lie down again

"what happened to me?" I ask in confusion "you fainted. now, don't talk more. I'll just call the doctor" he looks at his phone's screen but I hold his hand and bring it down "what?" he asks me

"you don't need to call anyone" I tell him but he scoffs in disbelief "what do you mean? y/n, you literally fainted" his voice reflects his seriousness "I know but it's not necessary"

"and why is it not?" he asks me "I came to office without eating anything. maybe that's why I fainted. it's not big deal-" "you didn't eat anything?" he stands up

"n-no.." I answer him, eyes lowering down "you came to office at 8 and now it's 2 pm. seriously, y/n. what am I going to do with you" he scolds me while walking to his desk

he was doing something there but I couldn't see what because of his back that was facing me "what are you doing-" I attempted to get up but stopped when spoke to me "don't you dare getting up or else it'll be worse for you" his still had his back at me

I sigh in defeat and lay back down on the sofa. he turns around and approaches me with a plate in his hand "what is it?" I look at him as he keeps the plate aside before helping me to sit straight "food" he answers, sits beside me and takes the plate again

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now