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"what on earth are yapping about, huh?" what Dohyun was saying completely went over my head

"the accident that was almost about to happen with y/n. it's all staged. Yoona planned it all. she even offered me to join on this disgusting plan of hers. her main plan, I suppose was to do something that will separate you both. but as I didn't want to get involved, she decided to just.. you know what I'm talking about. I followed Yoona as much as I could because I couldn't let her do anything to y/n. she's still the one I once loved"

the last line triggered me but I've kept my calm. my jaw clenches tight as I stared at him to continue

"Yoona.." he starts again while taking slow steps towards me "is the reason why y/n left" he finally stands right in front of me

"and how are you so sure?" I ask him, a brow of mine raised at him "I saw her at your mansion's doorstep when I planned to apologise to her for my doings that hurt her. I saw the both of them talk at the doorstep before she slammed the door in front of Yoona"

I was listening to each of the words that slipped out of his mouth "but I didn't approach her anymore after seeing the distressed look on her face. what confused me is that Yoona had such a fragile and helpless expression on her face when she talked to your wife. but as soon as the door closed, she turned around and started to laugh like a maniac. she maintained to quiet it down thinking maybe that y/n might hear her"

"after she left. I also left from there thinking not to bother her. but only if I knew that she would've left the country without a word" Dohyun sighs in regret

"she didn't.." I mutter making him knit his brows at me "she didn't leave without a word. she wrote a letter to me. but I can't understand what she's trying to say" he widens his eyes and proceeds to ask me "where is that?"

"at h-home.." I struggle to call that place my home now "can we go there? I really want to see what she wrote" I nod at him before making him follow me behind outside the building to my place

I also got to know that he got to know about y/n leaving from Taehyung

we entered our bedroom, my and my wife, my y/n's bedroom that I once used to share with her

"here" taking the letter that I kept safely inside her table's drawer, I passed it to him. he took his time to read the last words my wife wrote to me before leaving

"you cheated on her.."

I snap my head at him in confusion "what are you-" he looked up, meeting my eyes that burned furiously "no no" he shakes his head, "that's what y/n thinks" a frown was placed on my face

"why would she think that?" he stays silent this time, leaving me unanswered "I'm asking you something, Kang" it was looking like as if he was trying to figure something out "Kang-" "wait a minute"

he hurries to take his phone out his pant's pocket, places a call to a number and waits for his call to be received by the person from the other side

"hey, Ahn. can you spare me a sec?" he started to talk on his phone as I stared at him as he did so "I need a little help from you. can you tell me the woman's name who had a miscarriage the day I visited you?" the question he asked made me furrow

"yes, I know that you can't share a patient's information but please, I really need to know it"

"yes, I can get police to be involved. don't worry about that. just tell me her name" after a few seconds, Dohyun's face dropped

"ah! thank you so much, Ahn. we'll be there soon" he hangs up the call. turning to his left, he finds me already looking him "what is Yoona's full name?" I raise a brow "why?" "just tell me, will you?"

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