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the f-

you watched as she turned back around and made her way inside his office "yah- wait!" but it was too late as she had already walked in and shut the door behind her

you quickly made your way out of your desk place and was about to head inside but the intercom went off which made you turn back

you thought that he would scold you which is why your hand was shaking as you picked it up close to your ear "y-yes-" "Ms. Euk, bring two cups of coffee inside my office" your face scrunched at his statement

"oh" you don't know why you felt your heart dropping when you didn't hear his scolding for letting a complete stranger inside his office

so, she is his fiancée..

it's the first time ever that you felt disappointed not being scolded at by your boss

you didn't know what took over you as you slammed the device back down on it's place without even replying to him

you stomped your way towards the cafeteria to make coffee for your lovely boss and his loveable fiancée

how did he even fall for that piece of shi-

wait, why does it bother me-

no- I mean't-

why should it bother me?


it isn't bothering me, right?


ofcourse, it isn't!

he can marry who ever he wants..



Jungkook's Perspective

typing away on my keyboard, my eyes didn't leave the screen of my computer even once a bit

but as I was now finished with the work I was focused on doing for the past hour, I leaned back down to my chair as my head was now rested on the headrest

since the day I decided to lessen my interactions with her..
Ms. Euk..

my life seemed to change..

I don't remember when I last smiled to be honest

but it was for the best, right?

it would help her to be normal with her boyfriend without having to deal with a immature boss who used to give her unnecessary work

a sigh left my mouth before i pulled myself back together again to resume my work

my eyes diverted towards the door as I heard a sound coming from there. Not gonna lie but I was expecting.. more likely hoping for it to be Ms. Euk that had entered


I, myself don't even know

but would she just enter without knocking.. never

my eyebrows grew closer to each other as I saw a female figure coming towards me

but my facial expression drained as soon as I recognized who that was "kookie~" the voice chirped which made disgust built inside of me "Sohee.." I gulped seeing her fasten her pace towards me

getting a hint on what she was about to do next, I moved aside from the place where I was standing which made me successful to avoid her hug

her jaw tightened when I did that but she was quick to put her previous expression back on again before looking at me "how are you? you know how much I missed you?" she tried to get close to me but stepped back "y-yeah.. I'm good" I passed her an awkward smile

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