EP V | Friends w/ His Best Friend

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"Y/n?" Your body jerked up at the deep voice. "Hey, calm down.. it's me, Taehyung" he panicked seeing jump all of a sudden "I'm sorry.. I just got tired and fell asleep while working" rubbing your eyeballs, you sat up right before sighing and looking up at his figure

"Did Jungkook give you this much work to finish on the first day?" He asked, his eyes scanning the pile of papers placed on your desk. Stretching your arms, you nodded and breathed out

"I'll go have a talk with him about this-" "no, please don't" you were quick enough to stop him before he left "what do you mean 'don't'? He can't do that!" He sounded a bit mad as you can tell by the roughness coming from his voice

"I know you both are best friends and you also consider me as your friend but I don't wanna cause any drama-" "drama? pfft, y/n.. are you even hearing yourself? not you but he's the one who's causing drama so, sit back down and let me do what has to be done" he pushed your body by your shoulder to make you sit back down on your chair

"But Tae-" "shush!" He looked back at you and placed his index finger on his lips, giving you a slight glare making you shut up in defeat

"Don't you think it's too much, Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung's voice echoed in the office of Jungkook making the latter look up from his computer screen to his best friend slash hyung who just barged in his office with a questionable question

"Well, hi to you too" Jungkook stood up from his leather chair and made his way down with a sarcastic greet to see his friend

"Do you know how exhausted she is?" Jungkook scoffed getting what and who he was talking about "and why should I know? Heck, why is it even bothering you?" Instead of answering, he questioned back making the older one sigh "you're seriously doing all this with her just because of a harmless joke of hers?"

"The joke might be harmless but who did she joke about?" "You could've just denied her as your secretary but still you did" Taehyung tried to make his best friend understand but lord, how much of ego he had in him

"On the first place, it shouldn't bother you" Jungkook muttered making the other one sigh for the nth time "I'm also like an elder brother to you just like how I'm your best friend so, it should bother me to stop you from doing these idiotic shits.. and also as a friend of y/n's-" "when the fck did you become her friend?" He cutted him off with growl

"You both just met yesterday" he completed, scoffing in disbelief "you both also met yesterday for you to count her as your enemy" Taehyung backfired with a sarcastic tone that both of them had been using since the start

"we didn't meet just yesterday" Jungkook mumbled under his breathe but it managed to make it's way to the other one's ear "let me guess.. so, the day before that?" He said following with giving a lip tight smile as he nodded to that "that's longer than since when you both met"

Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at that "you're so childish, kook" he laughed making Jungkook also smile. They both couldn't argue for that long "okay now, take away her stress and delay the work's deadline" he said as the younger one rolled his eyes

opening his mouth, Jungkook was about to disagree with that but another voice prevented him from continuing so..

"There's no need for that" the both male turned their head to the doorway, following that sweet voice just to find you standing there "I'm sorry to interrupt but Taehyung let's stop this now.. almost half of the work is already finished so, it will be finished before tomorrow night" you walked inside, towards your colleague's figure

Taehyung? Jungkook mind repeated as what had you just addressed your colleuge, who was working in a higher position than yours as

"There's need y/n.. or else you're health's condition might get worse" Taehyung was in disbelief to hear you say those words "Tae-" "you're really disrespectful to call him by his name, Ms. Euk" your boss's voice cut you off "I'm sorry-" "I told her to call me by that, kook" and now got cut off by  his best friend

"You can't be serious" Jungkook got annoyed as he glared at you for the nth time this day "so?" Taehyung's voice made him switch his glare from you to him "fine, you can submit it to me by next Friday" stating his oblivious unwanted statement, he stomped his way out of his own office leaving only you and Tae now

"He might be a whiny ass sometimes but just a little push can knock senses into him" you turned to look at the male stood beside you and found him chuckling to himself maybe imagining a scene "and that has to be done by you" you played along while he nodded, agree with that "the important step" he laughed along

"Since our pain is gone now.. let's head home" tae said passing a small smile which you couldn't help but to adore "thank you" you mumbled making him tilt his  head to the side a bit to look at you "there's no sorry, no thank you in friendships" he pouted like a kid making your smile more wide

"Now, let me drop you home.. it's quite dark outside" he suggested while looking out the huge windows of the CEO's office "you've already done a lot for me, I don't wanna trouble you-" "aish, don't say stupid things like Jungkook, silly. Friends can never trouble friends" he sulked, nudging your shoulders a bit

you nodded and smiled to yourself at his bubbly-friendly behavior "now come on, let's go" he marched out of the room as you shook your head and started to prepare to leave afterwards

"Thank you for the ride home" you both now stood in front of your apartment's building "yah, you're seriously starting to make me pissed, now" he playfully glared at you making you chuckle, finding this man cute

"Alright alright.. but seriously, I really appreciate it" he nodded before flashing his boxy smile at me "you should also leave for your home, it's getting late"

"Goodnight, y/n-ah.. see you at the office tomorrow morning" bidding each other goodbyes, you made your way into the elevator to finally get to your apartment

"Gosh, if he could get any more devil-er" you cursed at your devilish CEO while plopping yourself on the comfy bed of yours

"Ah, finally.. some comfort" your voice came out muffled as you dug your face onto your pillow and before you even knew it, you were off to deep sleep

"No matter how much of a jerk you be towards me.. I know how to fight my way, Mr. Jeon"

please vote and comment to keep me motivated to update the episodes :)

- Author, Adi <3

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