EP XI | Amusement Park

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"Those two dickheads" you cursed at Taehyung and Minghao

"Did you say something?" The soft voice of the male walking beside you made you jump a bit as you totally had forgotten about him for split second

"N-No, sir" you stuttered as you felt a bit of uneasiness "You out of all people know that I don't like to repeat myself, now do I?" Jungkook stopped you from walking in the middle as he stood right in front of you

Yes, you were paired up with your grumpy boss but not to lie, the way he had dressed himself in casuals wearing denim jeans, a Calvin Klein's shirt and a denim jacket with his hair being fluffy

'Damn, y/n. What's wrong with you? You're checking your own boss out?' You shook your head in disbelief

"What do you wanna do first?" He asked making you look up at him "if you feel uncomfortable, let's just go home-" "am I acting like that?" He questioned again as you just stared at him without uttering any words

"You're uncomfortable?" Jungkook once again asked but you just quickly shook your head "then?" He tilted his head to his side a bit to take a good look at your face and that's when your both eyes met

'what is happened to me?' you took a step backwards realizing that the distance between you both was too close

you were just looking around the park to avoid him "wanna ride the ferris wheel?" He suggested. It took a second for you to answer but you nodded nonetheless

"Then what are you waiting for?" You looked at him as he signed his hands for you to move forward which you eventually did

You guys then rode various ride afterwards and also ate corn dogs

At first you were acting a bit cold towards him indeed to maintain the professionalism between him and you as a CEO and his secretary but later on you found yourself warming up to him as he was kind of acting different today

His voice was soft.. his actions were soft.. he was soft

"That was really fun" Jungkook stated, putting on his bright bunny smile

His smile. It was your first time to see his bunny smile

'woah, y/n. What has seriously gotten into you today?'

"Should we go home now?" Jungkook asked seeing that it was quite dark now "yeah" you nodded and looked around but your eyes seemed to sparkle seeing a specific ride in front of you

Jungkook noticed that amused expression of yours and decided to follow your eyes to see a beautiful carousel ride that lit up, making it look somehow majestic under the evening sky

your eyes were so busy admiring it that you forgot about the presence of the man beside you once again but not until a hand gripped around wrist dragging you along

"what are you doing?" you were taken aback by his sudden action "what? we're going on that ride" he stated ever so calmly before once again continuing to walk but you again stopped him "what now?" he rolled his eyes

"what do you mean, we're going on that ride.. it's for kids.." you reasoned but his face answered that he didn't give any eff about it

"and?" he looked at you with his 'so-what' eyes making you go speechless "I-It'd be embarrassing.." you mumbled "you don't wanna ride it?" His question made you think for a second but before you could even give an answer he spoke up "your eyes didn't lie when they saw its happiness"

and with that you both were now on the ride, choosing which one to sit on "aren't you feeling weird?" You mumbled to him "what is there to feel weird about, y/n? Anyways, now tell me which one do you wanna sit on" you sighed before looking at a pretty looking horse

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now