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Y/n's Perspective

"are you out of your mind?" I screamed at his face as soon as he dragged me inside his room and locked the door afterwards

"don't shout, Ms. Euk" he said with a calm expression making me let out scoff in disbelief "how can you tell me not to shout? why shouldn't I shout, huh-" a finger was pressed against my lips, making me shut up and look into the man's eyes in front of me

"I told you to shush.." his voice held dominance as well as his gaze on me. I moved my head to the side, not wanting to loose myself at this type of time

"alright then, I will not shout.. but I want answers.. why did you speak those absolute nonsense down there I  front of everyone?" my voice might be low now, but the way I used to speak screamed how frustrated I was

"Ms. Euk-" "I just want answers" a sigh left his mouth as he brushed his fingers through his hair "I will answer  you, if you just shut up for once" both of his palms clashed together as he looked at me with a sarcastic expression

"g-go on.." I cleared my throat as he finally relaxed the muscles of his body "thank you!" his voice expressed sarcasm but I couldn't care any less

"so, the thing is that.. my mother has been always telling me to get married to this Sohee but I don't want to.. cause she is a total garbage and also I don't want to be in any type of relationships. not with any woman.. OR MAN!" my eyes rolled at his explanation as I questioned

"but why did you say that I am your freaking girlfriend?" his hands now placed on the both side of his hips as he sighed again before speaking

"it's because I want you to be my girlfriend.. pretend to be" my eyebrows raised "but why? and why me?" "except you, I don't be around any female species.. so, I will be believable if you're my girlfriend and not anyone random" I stared at him while he continued

"and why? It's because I think that.. if we pretend to date in front of them and then show them that we aren't working out and break up.. I'll be able to answer their question, 'why don't you give women another chance?' " jungkook shook his head while I just tilted my head in confusion

"why don't you give women another chance tho?" I guess I shouldn't have let my curiosity out when I saw his death glare at me "you don't have to know.."

"alright, I don't have to know but you sure do have to know that I'm not pretending to be anything-" I got up from his bed, the place where I was sat before and was about to open door to leave his bedroom but what he said next made me halt on my movements

"step a foot out of the door and this will be your last second as my secretary.."

Time skip

"why did you stop?" Jungkook's annoying voice asked me as I gave him a glance before resuming my walk again

might me thinking, what is happening?

well let me tell you..

my very lovely boss, Mr. Jeon jungkook here decided to threaten me to fire me, which absolutely couldn't let be happened

so, after a lot of thinking.. I decided it was more gain for me if I agreed to him cause he said he would also pay me much and the amount was a lot to think about

we didn't need to act very lovey dovey as we want his parents' to see that relationship isn't their son's thing

"Ms. Euk.." a nudge on my shoulder made me snap out of my thoughts. I shook up before looking in front to see both of his parents sitting on the couches

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now