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"finally, you're ass is now married~" Minghao came towards me and hugged me while I rolled my eyes at him

"really, hao?" I shot him a death glare

"alright, alright, I'm kidding" he giggled making me laugh as well

I told hao about everything, he knows

"hey, Ms. Pretty- oh, my apologies"

I sighed, already getting who the person is that approached me now

"you're now Mrs. Pretty!" he exclaimed with a hint of teasing in his voice while looked at him with my bored eyes

"you-" I formed a fist and raised it up to punching before before stopping midway

"ahaha~ now jokes aside, what's up with ya'll's marriage?" Jimin asked as I looked at him with my questioning eyes

"what? don't look at me like that. I know him very well.. so, now tell me" he leaned his back on the table behind us while waiting for my answer

"w-what do you mean? our marriage is normal like every other marriage" I cleared my throat

my eyebrows knitted together when his chuckle made it's way to my ears

"no matter how much you try to hide it from me, I'll find it out anyways" he smirked while I rolled my eyes

"Y/n-" there approached me my now wedded husband, Jeon Jungkook

"oh, congratulations, Mr. Jeon" Jimin straightened his posture before slightly bowing in front of our boss

Jungkook, like every other time, nodded and completely ignored the other male

I was staring at Jimin's face all the while, I witnessed his face saddening

"y/n, I'll need your time for something important.. so, please" jungkook spoke, taking me out of my thoughts as I brought my eyes up to meet his cold ones

"yeah, sure.." I muttered before turning my head back at Jimin again

he may have felt eyes on him when he looked up, creating an eye contact between us

I passed him a small smile

he sometimes might be a pain in the ass but I don't know why but I couldn't bear to see those eyes of him, falling down in sorrow

his eyes now reflected some different emotion now. I don't how to exactly name it but I can assure myself that it was better than the one before

turning my head to the other direction, I saw that Jungkook had already started walking

taking a one last glance at the male beside me again, I told him "make sure to enjoy, alright?"

he chuckled before nodding at my words as I finally followed Jungkook behind


"what are we doing here?" I questioned as soon as he stopped in his track, maybe we had reached the place where he wanted us to be

a place inside the venue but a little more far from where the function was mostly being happened

"my lawyer is coming here soon. his going to bring the contracts and we'll just have to sign them.." he explained, making me nod

we had to wait for a few minutes until a ringtone ruined the silence. it was an incoming call from Jungkook's phone

I looked at him as he fished out his phone from his back pocket

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now