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"welcome back, Ms. Pretty" you were greeted by the blonde who approached your desk, seeing in office after a whole month

"thank you, Mr. Shit" you teased him back making him throw his head, laughing at your statement

"how did your break go?" Jimin asked as you sat in your chair while put his weight on the desk "it went well, came back fresh" you moved your head in such way that resulted your hair to flow causing you to chuckle

"you tell me too, how did your days being Mr. CEO's secretary go?" you straighted your spine, eager to hear his review but your eyes' emotions fell down to a frown hearing him sigh

"went alright" he shrugged, fixing back his expression "just alright? nothing funny happened?" Jimin failed to hold his giggles after witnessing your pout and doe eyes

"no, Ms. Pretty.. nothing happened-" he told you with a smile

"aish, fine" you huffed back on tour seat "go back on working, you have a lot to catch up on" he ruffled your hair in a playful manner

"yah! don't mess up my hair- what did you say? a lot to catch up on? what do you mean?" you asked feeling confused

"there's a lot of work for you today, arranging the models and all" you're eyes widened in disbelief

"the fashion week's starts in two days.. the models aren't arranged yet?" you asked in disbelief, receiving a nod from him

"the agency that was assigned to give us models didn't give the types 'Jeon's OutWear' wanted and so yeah" he explained and as soon as he ended, your palms smacked on your forehead on it's own

"argh! how am I going to do all this" you started to panic "hey hey, calm down. I'm sure you'll find a way. I wanted to take care of it before you came back so that it wouldn't be a burden but.. didn't know how to" he mumbled the last sentence under his breath, feeling kinda guilty

you stopped to turn around to see him rubbing the back of his neck while having his head down

you smiled before reaching out to take his hand from his neck. his eyes widened because of sudden contact

"It's alright, you don't need to feel bad" his lips slowly mirrored your smile

"you should get back to work and.. thank you for everything that you did for me" you put your palm on top of his hand "you don't need to thank me for it, you know" he chuckled placing his palms on top of yours

"I don't- now, shoo~" you took your hands back and used them to turn his body the opposite way from you before pushing him

he laughed and waved his hand at you while walking away from your sight

you sat back down on your desks to start working. a few minutes passed as you were busy trying to find ways to fill the models' places

"welcome back, Ms. Euk- oops, I meant Mrs. Jeon" you knew exactly who it was by the deep teasing voice

"Taehyung!" you whined making him chuckle "now, tell me. ain't I such a good colleague to be the first one to welcome you back" he acted to be proud while fixing his already fixed tie

you shook your head at his actions, "I hate to break it to you, Mr. Kim but no, you're not the first one to welcome me back"

"what!? aye wait- Jungkook doesn't count alright?" he made his point straight causing you let out another chuckle

"it wasn't Jungkook" his brows crashed together


"It was Mr. Shi- Park. Mr. Park" you corrected yourself and looked up to see Taehyung staring at you with confused eyes

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