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today you and Jungkook had to be at an official event

"the event is in a few hours, right?" you asked him after finishing your food. he also finishes his meal and looks up at you, nods his head to let you know that you were correct

"erm.. I guess, I'll start getting ready then" taking the dishes to the sink, you wiped your hand on the towel and saw him walking upstairs to your bedroom when suddenly the doorbell rang

"I'll go get it" saying that to yourself, you took steps towards the entrance

"o-oh" you couldn't help your overwhelmed expression when you saw the unexpected male standing right outside your house

"you don't seem happy to see me here" Dohyun chuckled making you shake your head immediately "no, it's nothing like that" you tried your best to make him not think about you being not being happy

"I just didn't expect- why don't you come inside?" stepping aside, you made way for him as nodded and entered

"who is it?" Jungkook's voice was the first thing you and Dohyun heard after walking inside the living room

"hi there.." Dohyun awkwardly smiled at your husband who had his eyes narrowed at the unexpected guest in his house

"I got to know that you both got married.. I'm sad that I didn't get invited" Dohyun joked looking at you and you smiled

but the man standing on stairs, glared at the scene of his wife being all giggly with someone she used to feel something for

"why would we invite you?" Jungkook's voice was cold. the aura in the environment surrounding the three seem to have died down

you blinked your eyes at him with pure disappointment "aha.. y-yeah, you're right" Dohyun let out a nervous  chuckle while rubbing his palm on his nape

"n-no, Jungkook is just playing around. actually we decided to have the littlest amount of guests in our wedding because of privacy. or else we would've invited you. we would've loved to have you in our special day"

you glared at Jungkook who rolled his eyes when Dohyun spoke "it's alright. I was just kidding anyways"

"whatever" Jungkook mumbled before averting his eyes on you "y/n, I'm starting to get ready. you should also get ready yourself otherwise we'll be late to the party" saying that, he finally walked inside the bedroom

"what? you both are going to a party? I'm really sorry. I didn't know. I should've asked you before coming-" Dohyun started to blame himself for becoming a trouble to the both of you but you shook your head at him

"Dohyun, you don't need to apologise" you smiled, assuring him that everything is alright but he sighed in disappointment "I must be troubling yoh both"

"you are talking nonsense now. sit down. let me bring some snacks for you-" you were about to leave to be in the kitchen area but he held your wrist, stopping you

"please don't get yourself so worked up for me, y/n. I'll just take my leave-" you cut him off by hold his hands wrist that was holding your wrist and took his grip off "just sit down. you're my guest now. I can't you leave just like that. and if you're still worried about us going to the party then don't. It still has time" you passed him a smile and left after he sat down on the sofa


it was been quiet some time since you and Dohyun have been talking to each other when suddenly you both heard your husband's voice calling your name from upstairs

"y/n?" you paused in your sentence and looked up to see him nowhere. he was inside your both's bedroom

"yes?" you responded casually, waiting for him to say something and he soon did

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now