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Jungkook's Perspective:

I was in my own thought when some knocks on the washroom's door took me out of it "Mr. Jeon?" her soft voice spoke from the other side of the door

preparing myself for whatever would be coming next, I opened the door to meet the eyes of a worried y/n. she looked up at me almost immediately when she saw that door opened

a sigh of relief escaped her mouth as a smile formed on her lips "you feel better now?" she asked making me nod my head

"uhm.. I'll be leaving now, do you want me to drop you off?" I asked as she took a moment to thought. but after some seconds, she again looked at me with her smile "I'll be leaving too" I exited the washroom and locked the door behind me. the two of us then skipped down the stairs and it seemed like that they were waiting for something?

all of their heads turned towards our direction just as they sensed our presences

"hey, kook" wonwoo came forward and stood infront of me "what happened, hm? something wrong with the drink?" he asked which I shaked my head side by side to

"there's nothing wrong with anything.. I just choked" I explained as he nodded while gripping the side of my shoulder

"anyways, we'll be leaving now.." I announced when I saw that y/n stood behind me by the corner of my eyes

"but why?" yunjin came forward and asked "it's time for me to go and I'll be dropping y/n off too" I explained when taehyung decided speak "y/n, if you wanna stay longer, you can. I'll drop you off" taehyung's suggestion made me look behind to see what y/n had to say

"erm.." we all watched as she struggled to reply "I would've love to stay longer but I have some work to finish at home so.." she shrugged as I looked back at Taehyung, holding back a smirk "I guess, I'll be taking her home" I told him and his playful eye roll made let out a chuckle before I turned to look at wonwoo and yunjin

"I won't force you to stay. you came and engaged with us today.. that's enough" wonwoo smiled as I mirrored it back

"bye, guys" bidding our goodbyes to everyone, we finally left wonwoo's place and got inside my car

without my knowledge, a sigh left my mouth on it's own and that seemed to capture the female's attention, who just sat right beside me

"something wrong?" the question that came from beside me made me look at her "no, nothing's wrong" I assured her before gripping the starring wheel

"if you want to share, you can" she softly said as I rethought my actions that I'm about pull right now "I-I'm just confused.." I looked down but still sensed y/n's frown from beside

"about what?" she asked as I looked at her for a split second and then continued to speak "why did they look so happy having me there?" that might sound stupid but I really was confused.. why?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a chuckle coming from her

"what do you mean, sir? why wouldn't they be happy? hmm.. as far as I got to know. you don't spend much time with your friends and I can without a doubt tell that your life is mostly colorless.. as your friend, they were happy that you took steps towards a color" the last line she said, I wasn't able to understand. so, I just stared at her through my confused eyes

"they're your friends, Mr. Jeon" her voice held different emotions "they are happy for you.. happy that you're happy" she smiled while completing

they are happy for me..

happy that I'm happy..

that's what y/n said but is that really the truth, tho?

it could be.. now, that I paid attention to their expressions. she might be telling the truth

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