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Y/n's Perspective:

shifting in my place, I hummed at the comfort and pulled the duvet up to my shoulders and buried my face inside the soft pillow



my eyes shot open in realization that I wasn't on sitting the chair, I wasn't having a hard time attempting to find a comfortable position, I wasn't in the conference room with two other males anymore

I get up, the duvet falls down to my waist as I rub my eyes and adjust to the brightness, trying to identify where I was

"you're up?" the voice of husband shakes me up to realise that I was in his office, sleeping on his couch

I sit up straight now, opened my mouth to reply to him but a gasp escapes instead after my eyes landed on the dark sky covering the Seoul city

"how long was I asleep for?" the question was meant for myself

"an hour or two? it's six now" he tells me as I look up at the brown modern designed clock that hung on the wall

"why don't you go and fresh up before we leave for home?" I furrow my brows "we are leaving this early?" I asked

he nods while fixing the button of his shirt's wrist "I don't have anything to do and I think neither do you" he states my situation confidently because it was true

I really could go home, drop myself on bed and drown to sleep

I don't what happened to me. I felt so sleepy the entire day today- talking about feeling sleepy, I felt sleepy in the conference room as well and also might've dozed off there

the place was really uncomfortable to sleep but I forced myself, being tired but it later became the most comfortable place to sleep in the entire world. It was warm and comforting

I wish I could sleep there again

but this comfortable sleep did me very bad. I didn't get to witness if something happened there or no. did they talk it out or no?

"what's wrong?" he asked making me shake my head "what happened there at the conference room?"

"the guard locked it thinking no one was there as there was support to be no one. but it opened after half an hour of you falling asleep"

"something happened while I was asleep?" he stopped his movement and brought his up to look at me "something was supposed to happen?"

I gulped at his curiosity

'shit! how stupid am I to ask that?'

"n-no, I'm just asking" I cleared my throat and looked away

"I'm coming back in few minutes" excusing myself, I disappeared inside the washroom that was attached to his office


"yeah, I'm coming" he says to someone over the phone while I just stared at his shape walking inside the bedroom, being under the warm blankets

I watch as he tosses the hand-friendly device to the bed, his side of the bed while starting to unbutton his shirt

removing the covers that hid my perfect legs, I got of the bed and asked him "where are you going?" he was surprised to hear me ask that question, his face when he turned to look at me says so

"oh, I'm going out to meet.. someone special" his lips twitches into a smile before walking inside the bathroom, giving me not even a second to speak

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now