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you both came out of the church after Mrs. Jeon had made you marry each other

no contract

no expiration date

nothing fake

it was all real

you were officially his and he was officially yours

"why did you do it, mom?" Jungkook stopped in his tracks making you and his mom turn back to look at him

"do what?" she asked her son instead, pretending to be unfamiliar with whatever topic he was talking about

"you know what I'm talking about-" "and so do you" Mrs. Jeon cut him off. his expression said that he was surprised at her mother's voice. you were surprised too

"you already know the answer of that question you just asked" she continues to speak "you also know very well how angry and upset I'm with you" Jungkook just keeps silent feeling guilty "how could you play us like that?" his eyes widened

"eomma-" she holds up her palm at him, causing for him to halt on his steps towards her "I don't wanna talk to you right now. y/n?" you look up at her as she turns to you now

"I want you to come with me" you furrowed your brows "why? where will you both go?" Jungkook's voice was heard talking to her instead of yours "I will take my daughter in law where ever I want. I don't need answer your questions" she replies without looking him

he laughs in disbelief, "if she's your daughter in law then she's my wife. I have the rights to know where she is going" he tells her

"woah. suddenly so caring about you wife?" Mrs. Jeon sarcastically looks at her son who just intensely stares back at her

"I've always been" he says and peaks a glance at you. you weren't liking how the both of them were talking to each other, taunting and sarcastic

'I'll tell you' you take the chance and mouth the words to him

he sighs. drops his gaze. walks past you to his car and gets in before driving off of your sight

you switch your focus from his car to his mother when she speaks to you, "shall we go now?"


"welcome, ma'am. will you both like to order now?" the waitress asks after you both settle down on your seats

it turns out that your mother in law came to a restaurant with you to have lunch and a little talk

as she gets busy talking to the waitress, you take her distraction as an opportunity and take out your phone

keeping it under the table to hide the device from her, you quickly tap on your husband's contact to see that he had already sent you thousands of messages

you bite your lower lip and tell him about your whereabouts

"y/n?" you shove your phone back inside your bag and look up at her. you look up at the waitress and tell her your order. she leaves you both right after you're done

"are you mad at me, dear?" her question makes you surprised "why should I be mad? you should be the one because me and Jungkook really did you very wrong" you drop your head and sigh

"I'm really sorry, please forgive us" you join your hand together. she gasps before grasping your hands, "sweetheart, why are you apologising?"

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now