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I was taken aback hearing him "J-Jungkook, don't" I back my face away a bit, our noses and foreheads weren't in touch anymore

"w-we can't. you're not in your right senses" my voice tells him as he sits on his ankles, creating a bit more distance "what do you mean?" he tilts his head showing his confused face

"I'm finally having courage and you're-" "you're drunk" I whisper, cutting him off. I wasn't hearing what he was saying. my heart and mind was chanting that it would be wrong

"I'm not drunk" he tells me, his voice was assuring. "you are" I open my eyes to meet his tired ones

a silence falls between us before he forms out a sound of realization "oh, now I get it" he talks to himself and breaks the eye contact making me be the one who's confused now "what do you get?" I question him

"why you don't want to do it" "a-and why is that?" "because you don't want to lose your first to me, do you?" he creates the eye contact between us again as I tear up for some unknown reason

'I do wanna lose my first to you, Jungkook, I do. but not when the time is wrong, not when all of this is wrong'

oh, how I wish these words weren't just in my mind but could roll out my tongue for him to hear also

"it's not like that" is all I could manage to say. I couldn't even tell my own husband about my feelings, about my love my heart has grown for him

"then what is it like?" his voice changed, I couldn't really put together what his emotions were but my heart did a flip as if it felt what he felt hearing me

I maintain my silence, not knowing how and what to answer him when my face is lifted up by him placing his hand on my cheek

"you won't regret me"

his voice ignites something inside of me. I try my best to fight my urge but I fail and sigh, looking up at his eyes that held thousands of emotions

my heart found a specific emotion, love. it jumps in excitement but I'm scared to even just assume that he loves me

before I know it, my feeling take over me and I circle my hands around his neck before leaning myself up to attach both of our lips together

I assume he didn't expect me to do this because he was stiff in his place for few seconds before he grips my waist to pull me closer, I feel his lips curving into a small smile against mine making me feel thousands of butterflies

his hands travels up my body to reach my face and softly cup my cheeks. he tilts his head causing for his neck to make out an satisfying cracking sound

my breathe hitches and my heart stops beating as I feel myself heating up under him. butterflies inside my stomach started to flap their wings in such a fast pace. blood rushes through my neck's vein and my cheeks

I now know for a fact that I won't regret him. he made sure that I do

end of perspective


Jungkook flatters his eyes open after feeling the sunlight on his face, coming through the balcony's curtains. he rubs his eyes and lets out a quiet hum. his eyes falls on the head on his chest

a smile creeps up on his lips as he ducks his head down to see the beautiful view of his wife's sleeping face. he pecks and caresses your hair softly

you hum and snuggle more into your husband's warmth. he stares at your tiny figure sleeping in his arms with adoring eyes

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now