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"sorry?" your brows crashed together after hearing his unexpectedly unexpected question he just asked.. are you getting how much of 'unexpectation' that is!?

nothing came from his side for a good few seconds before his voice was heard again "I wanna take you out tomorrow evening.. my friends are throwing a small party, so I thought you'd like to tag along.." he explained making your eyes go wide

"h-huh?" you let out in disbelief "oh, uhm- Taehyung is also going to be there.. you won't feel uncomfortable just coming with me" he muttered the last line to himself but that was audible for you to hear

"no- I mean.. I didn't think about feeling uncomfortable.. it's just the first line you said" you zoned out while saying the last line as you remembered how your heart was beating in an inhuman speed

"what about that?" he questioned making you snap out of your space "no no, nothing. forget that" you stated awkwardly

"but why did you suddenly offer me to go with you, sir?" you asked him as he again went silent "sir?" you called out for him "huh? I-I don't know to be honest.. I just did?" his answer seemed like another question he asked himself

you shook head before a chuckle was heard from your side "so?" he asked as you sucked your lower lip in before thinking on what to reply

"I'll think about it.. it's in the evening, right? I'll let you know before that" you answered making Jungkook nod "alright then.. uhm- good night, Ms. Euk" he wished before hanging up as you couldn't help giggle as your mind made pictures of his confused or dumbfounded face

you could sense it through the soft hesitant tone he used for the wish before he hung up

Time skip

the next day approached and you also approached your work place. settling yourself on your chair, you didn't waste a second and started to work immediately

it was now the end part of afternoon when you finally finished your today's work. you were a introvert person, don't talk much to new people, have trouble blending in with others.. until someone says something that triggers you and you bark at them..

but you wanted to go the party that Jungkook had invited for you to go to.. with him

and let's make your heart clear, you wanted to go for Jungkook and not Taehyung..

you still didn't get why he had to mention taehyung's name to make you come, his was more then enough

you snapped out of your thoughts when the intercom placed right beside you went off, indicating that your boss was calling for you

"you called for me, sir?" you grabbed his in an instant. his gaze switched to you from his laptop's screen. your eyes were on him the whole time as he got up from his leather chair and made his way to you

you dropped your gaze down when he finally stood in front of you, maintaining a professional distance

"erm, I just wanted to know.. if you have made your mind?" bringing your face up to make an eye contact, you saw him adverting his gaze somewhere else

"mind about what, sir?" you questioned back as you had forgotten about it for a split second until his words made you remember "my invitation.." he mumbled, making you let out an understanding "ah~"

"so?" he asked again, his eyes now placed on you. you intentionally pretended to think about for sometimes even tho you had made up your mind the instant when he delivered the message to you

your eyes took a sneaky glance at his face to see that his eyes were focused on you, eagerly waiting for your answer and also a little hope.. maybe for it to be positive?

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now