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we were currently in a college reunion. Jungkook got invited by one of his friends he made when he was in college

he brought me here too. I greeted some of his friends and now we all were talkin to each other, catching up

"you know? Emily just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. my niece is just so adorable! she has big pretty eyes which she got from her mother and as me and my sister have the same eyes, you can immediately tell that little angel is somehow related to me" a friend of Jungkook tells to everyone while showing a picture of her

"my sister is six months pregnant. her husband always cries to me about complaining that his wife goes wild because of her mood swings" another says as we all laugh

"well my sister has chosen higher studies.. she had to leave us to go to another country. I miss her very much. but she does call us every evening"

everyone there started to share their stories about their sisters. those were adorable. it reflected their adoration towards their siblings

my eyes fall on the figure beside me who has been quiet since a very long time. he suddenly leaves from the place

I look around at everyone before following him behind. I get lost. my eyes wander here and there until it notices a familiar man's back in the backyard

I make my way inside and and stand beside him. his too focused on his thoughts that he didn't acknowledge my presence yet

a sob makes it's way to my ear. I look at him to see him crying silently while he had his eyes closed

I stand in front of him and pull him into my embrace. he was surprised at first but he also gave in when he realized it was me

"y-y/n" he sniffs into my neck

my hands goes through his fluffy hair and rubs them "it's alright, Jungkook. you don't need to cry" he pulls away from the hug and take a step to stand a little further from me

his nose and cheeks are red, tears are falling down from his eyes. he shakes his head "nothing is alright. I'm a very bad brother- you don't know anything-"

"I know.." he looks at me through his teary vision "I know that you regret your actions. I know that you want to call her back but you're scared and ashamed, fearing her reactions"

"I know that you miss your little Jieun" he widens his eyes as I mention her name. no one dared to take her name in front of him. he didn't hear that name for over eight years now

he doesn't meet my eyes anymore. he looks down before walking out of the place, leaving me standing alone here, staring at his retreat back

I really hope he understands..


getting down using the stairs, my eyes met with the view of him standing in the living room, staring outside the window

he has been more quiet. I walk inside the living room, grabbing his attention

I feel his eyes follow me as I walk up to take the telephone's handset and hold it in front of him. he narrows his eyes at me. I point to the thing in my hand say to him "call her. tell her to come back. I know that she still waits for your call but.. you never do"

I grab his hand, handle him the device and walk away without giving him any chance to protest

my head peaks out of the door of the kitchen. I see him sighing and staring at the handset. he walks to telephone

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now