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you were shocked to your core seeing him dressed in a top that stopped right at the end of his ribs making his abs be on perfect display while the low neck of the top caused to show his buff chest

silver chain's both ends attached to the end of the top while it fell down to his waist. a small but elegant chain brooch pinned on his top's left side while a pretty flower brooch was also pinned on the first end of the chained brooch while a lion head brooch was pinned on the other end

he was walking down the carpet as millions of lights flashed on him

the shockness you received a few minutes ago, still didn't leave you and Jungkook was now making his way towards with a smirk spread across his lips that never seem to leave

"surprised you, love?" he placed two finger on your chin before lifting your jaw to make your mouth shut

his touch made you shake back to earth as you turned your face to the other side and sighed, attempting to get yourself together

"Mr. Jeon?" a known voice called for him, you both turned your head to see that it was Jimin

Jungkook looked at his today's attire, eyes moving up and down before their eyes locked "you look.. very nice" he smiled while commenting

even though it was a very little smile the latter had given but it was more then enough for Jimin's heart to warm up "but that still doesn't stand in front of your beauty" he smiled back resulting for Jungkook to let out a small chuckle before he shook his head a millimetre and looked at you

a brow of his raised when he noticed that you were engrossed staring at the face of Jimin while her husband was standing in front of her

the way that Jimin's face lit up when his eyes witnessed the smile of his boss at him, you didn't fail to catch that scene with your own eyes

he seemed very.. lively now

you were so focused that you didn't even acknowledge someone staring at you from literally your front

a gasp escaped your mouth when a hand cupped your jaw and made you face your front, at him

your eyes widened when he spoke "eyes on me" his voice was raspy as he leaned his face closer to you, taking your breath away

"your husband is need of your attention, love" he crossed his arms over his chest while puckering his bottom lip a bit, resulting a pout

"won't you fulfill his need?" the pout soon turned into a dominance smile as his witnessed your cheeks burning into a crimson shade

"do you want to tell me anything?"  you forced out a calm tone even though you are bursting from the inside

"I want to switch managers with Park" he demanded, you were in midway of nodding when you realised what he was saying and snapped your head at him


"I want you to be my manager"

you looked away, faked a cough before meeting his eyes again "we have a lot of work to do, move aside" you lightly pushed him by the shoulder before walking away to have a word with the crew

Jungkook on the hand chuckled seeing you so hesitant when you talked with him

he shook his head before joining you in the talks as well


it was now Jungkook's turn to go up on the stage and let the photographers click away his visuals for the media and the world all over to see his brand's clothing and he, himself

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now