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"w-what?" you both stared at her, eyes wide open and jaw hung low

"what 'what'? she's your wife, you should kiss her good bye before leaving for your office"

Jungkook let out a shaky chuckle before confronting his mom, "eomma, you're here. how can I just kiss her in front of you?"

your mother in law blinked her eyes "what's the problem? didn't you kiss her in front of everyone in your wedding?" she raised an eye brow

"because that was a wedding ritual or because that was needed to be done" he whined attempting to make his mother understand

"alright, fine then!" Jungkook heaves out a sigh of relief until she speaks again

"I'm turning around, now do it"

her statement threw you both off

"eomma~" "no more eomma eommi, just do it and you'll be free" she said, her back still facing you both

Jungkook sighed and looked at your direction to see you already staring at him in utter shock

he thought of an idea quickly, making his eyes go slight wide and you didn't fail to notice it

your face scrunched

he slowly leaned his face towards you, your eyes were the one be wide now

he pressed his eyes tight before opening them again, assuring you

you were confused on why he was licking his lips before pressing them together

a sound from as he parted them again and you were shook to you core, understanding what he was doing

he leaned back again before you both fixed yourselves as he told his mom that she could turn around now but you were confused seeing her putting on a poker face while she did so

"what's with your poker face? I did as you wanted" he tried to play it off cool, trying his best to ignore the fact that his mother was literally shooting daggers at him through her gaze

"you thought you could fool me?" she asked, a sarcastic chuckle following at the end

"w-what do you mean?" Jungkook's voice was shaking

"you didn't kiss her, did you?"

"huh?" Jungkook was shocked but it took him a second to recover but Mrs. Jeon laughed, pointing at the wall behind her

"see those decorations you put on that wall? they came in great handy for me to see that you didn't kiss her, the decorations worked well as a mirror"

unintentional gasp escaped your mouth. you quickly slapped your mouth back shut before getting caught by anyone

"now, this time. do it in front of me" she looked at you both again, her arms crossed over her chest

"b-but you cheated!"

"you cheated too, Jungkook!"

she didn't waste even a second before snapping back at her son

"now, do as I say. the faster you do it, the faster you leave for office" she said making jungkook look back up to meet you eyes again

you gulped as he slowly leaned in

your heart was beating in an inhuman speed as he kept coming closer to you, no stopping

you gulped down the lump down your throat before closing your eyes shut in nervousness

his lips came in contact with yours

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now