EP XIX | Distant

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"You haven't left, Sir?" he looked at you when your voice had called him. straightening his posture, he cleared his throat "I thought that we should just go to office together as I'm already here" you pressed your lips into a thin line "alright.." you were about to get inside his car before you heard a familiar voice shout from your right

"Y/N!" a voice screamed your name to catch your attention. "D-Dohyun?" You mumbled as a sense of uneasiness took over you when your eyes witnessed him getting closer to you second by second

"Y-Y/n.. listen, I need to tell you something-" dohyun was cut off when he saw you raising your palm at him, indicating for him to stop "Y/n-" "Dohyun, please.. I don't have to time to talk to you right now" you were about leave from his sight but his hand grasped your wrist "Y/n please don't do this to me.. I can explain" dohyun pleaded but you tried your best to free yourself from his grasp "let me go, dohyun" you said buy he paid no heed to that

"w-where were last night? I knocked on your door but you didn't open your door neither did you reply to any of my texts.. you know how worried I was for you? I know that you can never leave me at your doorstep not being responded to no matter how mad you are" he stated as you just sighed "you don't need to-" "please just tell me, y/n. where were you?" he requested making you sigh again

"I stayed over at my boss's.. Mr. Jeon's place" you looked at the guy beside you who was just standing still, not getting what was happening

following your gaze, dohyun looked at Jungkook. His eyebrows twitched as he questioned again "and why were you there?" dohyun glared at Jungkook, jealousy visible in his eyes

Jungkook looked away. sure, he had a lot of power but Dohyun's glare made him feel like a.. sinner?

"I don't need to answer your question" you yanked his grip off your wrist before stomping your way to the other side of the car and got inside

"Mr. Jeon?" your voice made him snap back to reality to see you already inside the car. he looked up to see dohyun balling his fist and looking at him with the same eyes as before

he cleared his throat before getting inside the car as well. he soon after started the engine and drove off while dohyun was shouting your name but you just told your boss not to be bothered and drive

his eyes looked at your face that was facing the window where the outside was showing. He saw how your expression had drained

Looking back at the road again, his grip on the starring wheel tightened when a sudden feeling of guilt rushed over him

he felt as if he was doing something very wrong

he felt as if dohyun wasn't pleased to hear that you stayed a night at his house

ofcourse, he wouldn't like it

who would like for their girlfriend to be with another man?

he sighed, trying to focus on the road but his mind clouded with those thoughts again

but I kissed her..

I knew that she had a boyfriend but still did that?

how could I?

his eyes again went towards your figure and once they did, they went a little wide to see a tear drop escape from your eye. he watched how you quickly wiped it using the back of your hand

and that made him feel worse

your boyfriend's gaze played back in his vision. Jungkook was sure that dohyun was angry thinking that Jungkook was interfering between the two of them

he bit his lower lip while adverting his gaze back to the road again as he decided on something

from now on, I will distance myself from her..


It's been a week since that incident happened. and to your acknowledge, you realized the change in your boss's behavior towards you

he was behaving.. normal with you?

he wasn't giving you unnecessary work anymore like he used to. The beginning of you being his secretary was hard as heck, then it lessened thanks to Taehyung but that never was gone

until from the last couple of days. He completely stopped doing that

he also doesn't talk with you very much. he barely makes eye contact with you anymore.. not like it's normal but.."aish" you grabbed your head being frustrated

why is he on my mind 24/7?

you did catch him sometimes looking at you, but whenever your both's eyes locked, he would always instantly turn his eyes towards somewhere else

he wouldn't even smile at you anymore

why were you feeling so sad tho?

what!? I'm not feeling sad!

you told yourself but was it true?

"hello?" you got out of your thoughts when two finger with long painted nails snapped right in front of your eyes making you look up at the owner

you saw a girl standing in front of your desk, wearing a really short skirt and a inappropriate top that displayed her cleavage

you felt utterly disgusted at her wardrobe. but you couldn't judge, it is her own decision to dress herself like a whore after all..

forcing a smile, you asked her "how may I help you?" you tried your best to not express your disgust "where is Jungkook's office?" she asked and as expected.. it sounded cheeky, a forced one

your smile dropped instantly but you managed to pull it back on again "I-it's there" you pointed towards the huge wooden framed doors right in front of you making her nod

why the hell is she addressing him informally.. that too while standing inside the official building owned by him

you thought to yourself

"alright" she turned her heels to make her way inside his office before you called her back "excuse me, ma'am but you can't just walk inside like that" she looked back at you and you saw her eyes roll at you "I can.. what are you gonna do about it?" she glared making you scoff

"Do you have an appointment? If you don't, I can't let you in" you stated as she took a step closer "who are you to stop me, huh?" her eyes still glaring at you "I'm his secretary" you answered which made her scoff

you stared at her in confusion

"and you know who I am of his?" a brow of her raised at you as an unpleasant smirk formed on her lips

"I am his fiancée"


wHaAt~? 😱

please vote and comment to keep me motivated to update the episodes :)

- Author, Adi <3

It's really demotivating to see everyone add this story to their reading lists but not voting and commenting about anything (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

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