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my heart starts to blush at the thought

"wait, is it too soon to fall in love? I've known her for only a little more then one year. I can't possibly fall in love with her in that short period of time"

I talk to myself and look away from her, I force my eyes to. I gulp down my drink in nervousness, my heart's beating in a crazy rhythm, my chest is heaving up and down as I struggle to breathe

my eyes turns soft, I find my breath back when I realise that I indeed.. fell

I fell in.. love

I.. fell in love

I gulp down my saliva feeling flustered. I never thought that I will think about it ever again

but here we are

saying the words 'I' 'am' 'in' 'love' all in one sentence

"I'm in love" I spoke to myself as my eyes travels up to see her "with you"

"kook, get up" I get startled hearing someone speak so close to me "T-Taehyung?" I was fearing that I got caught

"why are you so scared- oh, that?" he smirks and makes a face as if he remembered something making me nervous

"w-what are you talking about? I'm not s-scared" I gulp down my saliva and look away. his laugh reaches my ear "don't worry, I won't tell her" he assures me but I snap my head at him

"won't tell her what?" I was nervous, yes. and at such a high level that I didn't stutter and my voice came out rushed

he evily smiles and leans on the counter behind us "won't tell her that your so busy admiring her like she's the only one in the room" he tells me

I look back at her, "I don't need just her to be in a room alone to describe my adoration for her. a room full of billions and billions of people but my eyes will only admire her.."

the words trailed off my tongue on it's own. truth is what escaped my mouth

"Jungkook?" Taehyung holds my shoulder and I shook back to my senses. I look at my side to see him having an slight astonished experience

"what?" I asked in confusion "what did you just say?" he asks me back and I could see a small smile curving up his lips

I realized that I spoke my thoughts out loud. clearing my throat, I try to change the topic "did you want to tell me something?" I remind him, I remembered myself that he approached me at the beginning with a purpose

'he didn't catch me admitting my feelings..'

"oh, right" he snaps his finger and grabs my wrist, pulls me and make me sit up from my place "where are you taking me?" I ask him as he drags me with him "to the dance floor" I knit my brows at his reply "huh-!?"

"go dance with my beautiful sister in law who's also your wife" he pushes me. I see Minghao taking steps back to leave the stage after he twirls y/n

she falls on my chest and I quickly hold her waist. her face raises up, our eyes meet. we catch up to the beat of the music and move our body to the rhythm

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now