EP XV | Confession

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you looked at him being astonished and it also seemed like Jungkook realized what he said as he gulped "I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he tried to explain himself

"I don't even know what I was thinking? I stand in no position to ask you something like that, I'm sorry" he apologized before turning his shoes to get back in his car not until your voice made him halt his steps

"We have nothing between us" he looked back to see you still standing there which made him turn fully towards you "there's nothing going on between me and Mr. Park" you confirmed

You didn't even know why you so wanted to get rid of this misunderstanding. He stared at you for a brief moment before nodding

And then you saw him heaving out a sigh.. of relief?

"Alright then, Good night, Ms. Euk" and there, he gave you that  smile of his which makes your heart flip and once again did

The corner of your lips turned upwards on their own. You kinda felt at ease seeing that as he was carrying a straight face for a really long time

"Drive safely, sir" wishing him, you finally went inside the building after watching his car leave your sight


You were walking towards your office and on the way you saw a pair, both of the girl and the boy were wearing school uniforms

They were walking together while holding hands. You smiled seeing them as a memory of your highschool time came across your mind

You remembered how your teenage self used to fantasize about being together with your that time crush, Dohyun

You shook your head before noticing a empty taxi. You called for it and later as it came, you got inside and told the driver where to take you as he started the car's engine again to drive you to your desired location

"Hey, Ms. Pretty~" you looked up from your desk to see Jimin standing in front of you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before looking back at your computer again

A dramatic gasp was heard right after you did that "no greeting back? you're being a little too rude to your senior, don't you think?" He exclaimed as you shot a glare at him

"Do you even know what you caused yesterday night?" You sort of barked at him making Jimin stare at you with his non-existent doe eyes "what do you mean-" "the words you chose to call me by made Mr. Jeon think that we both are dating!" You slightly growled at him

On the other hand, Jimin raised an eyebrow at what you just said right now "me? and date you? OH, HELL NAH!" he pretended as if he was on the verge of vomiting which made you widen your eyes

"Yah- what do you mean? I don't even think you getting close to me and here you made our boss think we are.. we are- eww!" You also made a disgusted face "girls are dying to get a taste of me and here you are, acting disgusted?" offend was layered in his voice

"Oh, please~ just leave from here, Mr. Shit" you shoo-ed him away making him stick his tongue out at you "yeah yeah, whatever. I don't even wanna be near you anymore, Ms. Pretty" you shook your head at the fact that how he still addressed you as 'Ms. Pretty' in the same line where he was supposed to insult you

But whatever happens, your both bickering used to boost your mood up as you became hyper during the time

You sat back down on your seat. and as soon as you did so, a message had popped on you phone screen which made you pick the device up

A small smile crept on your lips, seeing that it was a reminder telling you it was Dohyun's birthday today

placing your phone back down on the table you began to think when an idea popped into your mind. You did wish him when it was 12 o'clock but wanted to give him a better present

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now