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awkward silence spread between the two of you. Jungkook's grip around your legs loosened as you got down and you were now face to face with him

you saw his facial features were stern, his chest was heaving up and down

"w-who is he?" his voice made you look up to meet his eyes, they had no emotions in them. he managed to utter out those words to form his question

but you broke the eye contact, turned around and went inside your both's shared bedroom, leaving him unanswered

he huffs out in disbelief before turning around to skip his way downstairs. he was feeling some kind of way that he, himself wasn't able to explain

his steps slowed down when he reached the last few steps of stairs. eyes knitted close together at the weird scene happening in front of his eyes

"what are you guys doing?" Jungkook's voice made the two males, who were busy in their own world, dancing, stop their dance and stand straight

"e-erm, nothing" while scratching his nape in embarrassment, Taehyung answers Jungkook, who sighed in annoyance and made his way inside the kitchen

Taehyung's face scrunches when his eyes catches the view of his disturbance "hey, koo. something wrong?" he looks to his side, at Jimin, the one who asked the other that question. Jimin noticed it too

Jungkook his head. ignoring them, he was about to enter the place where he aimed to be at right now but was pulled back to sit on the couch between two other

"the hell?" Jungkook switched his eyes between the two partners in crime, who sat on each side beside him

"what's up with your mood?" after Taehyung, Jimin takes his turn to express his curiosity "you and y/n were all good while heading upstairs. then why does it seem like your mood is the opposite as you came back down?"

Jungkook sighs, momentarily zones out, "how would you feel if your love called you by some other fucker's name after the night you made love to her" he said it, feeling hurt and some other similar emotions

"so you both really did it?" Taehyung mumbles to himself, forgetting for a second that person involved in the thought was right next to him

his words reached the other's ear, causing for Taehyung to earn a deathly glare from him. Jungkook knew that the both of them already had the idea, so he wasn't really surprised or flustered hearing him. instead, he was just pissed. pissed at how his friend only caught that when he was talking about something else

"shut up, Tae" Jimin scolds him "now tell me, Jeon. whose did she call you by?" Jungkook bites his lower lip before setting it free again, "Aaron"

"Aaron?" Jimin repeats the name, confusion visible in his voice "yeah, that" Jungkook laid back on the couch because of frustration

"ya'll don't understand" he whines "I think I fell in love with her. and that night, I wasn't drunk. I wasn't drunk at all" playing with his wedding ring, Jungkook sets free a heavy breathe, feeling defeated

"I meant everything that I did. It meant everything to me. she might think that I was drunk and probably not remember anything, that I don't mean anything" Jungkook was frustrated. he felt the feeling he despised after years. and with the one he fell, is in love with someone else

"can I unshut up myself now?" the both of them turned their head to the voice "if only it's not something stupid, Taehyung" Jimin's remarks made him playfully roll his eyes as he forced himself to sit straight again, from the positive of him lazily leaning back on the couch

"do you know any Aaron that is close to y/n?" Jungkook shook his head to Taehyung "but I do" Taehyung's simple words fuelled the fire inside of Jungkook's heart as he suddenly jumped up "who's that bastard? who is he of y/n? where does he live?" he shot the questions at Taehyung

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now