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I jumped from the bed and made my way towards the door when I hear the doorbell ringing

opening the door, jungkook looked up for us to have a eye contact

I passed him a small smile as he entered inside

closing the door, I turned around the next second when his voice ringed in my ears "what the-?"

I stepped inside the living room to see him staring at the sofa in utter shock
"what happened?" I asked making him turn his head at me and point towards the object in front of him

"what are these?" I folded my arms over my chest before coming forward and looking at the sofas he was pointing at and said, "these are sofas"

"really?" he gave me an 'are you serious?' look as I shrugged and replied "yeah, really"

"y/n, these are the old ones. there was supposed to be-" "I told them not to" I cut him mid-sentence causing him to stare at my face in disbelief

"why?" "you were doing it because of me which was really unnecessary, jeon" I answered his question

"but how did they obey you?" jungkook asked himself which lead me to chuckle

that caught his attention

"nothing much, just used my Mrs. Jeon card" I smirked and look at him

he shook his head in disbelief before also joining me in chuckling

"alright, enough. I've made dinner, let's have it together"


it's been two weeks since I started to live together with him. we don't really encounter each other much but do talk about if there's something official to talk about

Jimin has been doing great in his duties on my place, I suppose as I don't hear any complaints coming from the CEO

some thoughts occur in my head when I think back about both of their relation

they are weird.. really

Jungkook always acts cold with him and that kinda hurts me. he is also a human being and when I see his smile drop everytime Jungkook replies to him in cold tone or ignores him but puts it back on his lips again after a second

I can clearly see that the one he puts back on isn't a real one but forced one

I was curled up, sitting on the sofa while drowning in my curiosity when someone rang the bell

I had dismissed all the helping hands in house for a vacation for a month since I wanted to look after the place myself in my free time and not get bored

as they are not here for more three weeks or so, I had to get up from my place and walk towards the door and opened it for the person outside

my eyes slightly widened in pure surprise when I laid my eyes on her "eomma?" my voice sparkled in joy as I went closer and hugged her figure

"wah! you're really excited seeing me, huh?" she chuckled as I nodded at an instant and pulled away from the hug to look at her

"come inside" I made way for her as she gripped her luggage again and entered inside

"where's everyone?" her eyes wandered around before they fell on me again

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now