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Y/n's Perspective:

"Mr. Jeon?" I called out his name

"yeah?" he rested his chin on his palm  before his eyes moved at me

I felt myself trembling on the inside, afraid if the plan might go any wrong and I would receive a great scolding from him

"y/n?" his voice snapped me out of my thoughts, made me gulp before straightening my posture

"e-erm.. I wanted ask if y-you could come at the c-conference room" I saw how a frown replaced his eyes making me more nervous

"why?" he asked as I prepared myself to lie to him

"I-I want you check some things out there for the meeting with the Choi's"
the words rushed out my tongue

Jungkook blinked his eyes in amusement before starring at me with my wide eyes, both of his brows raised "what!?" he snapped his head

I'm too nervous

the urge to run away and not look back at this awkward situation has been raising inside me by each passing second

"what did you say? I didn't understand.."

it felt like as if my throat was getting tied, unable to let anything come out from there

an almost inaudible ding moved our attention from each other. Taking my phone out from my pocket, I excused myself before opening the notification to see that it was a message

Jimin is already inside.. hurry up!

his message made me feel more pressurized. closing my eyes, I gasped for air before letting it out again

my eyes opened again, his face a few inches away is what I saw

taking a step back as a reflex, I lost my balance for a second but got myself together preventing from falling

my eyes noticed how a panic expression took over him for a moment, his body moving forward as well as his hands until he saw that I was good on my own

"who was it?" his question confused me "huh?"

"who texted you?" he specified as bit my tongue before forcing out words

"a friend of mine.."

he didn't question further. nodding his head in understanding, his eyes leveled down to my eyes

"what were you saying before?"

"you need to check some things out before the meeting with the Choi's" I repeated back my words from a while ago

him chuckling is what my eyes enlarge, 'what's so funny?' I thought inside my head

"why do you seem so nervous?" he flicked a strand of his hair back using his index finger

"I-I'm not" I look away, breaking the eye contact that was getting intense by each passing second cause of him

"you are. but the funny thing is that it only occurs when you say that one specific line" he takes a step closer to me

"what line?"

"you wanting me in that conference room.."

I didn't understand what he meant

my eyes hesitantly looking back at him again, a small smirk was curved up on his lip's corner

why is he smirking-

my eyes widened

"I-I'm not wanting you there.. the conference room needs to be c-checked beforehand"

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now