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you yawned and stretched your body after sitting on you bed. remembering about your plans for today, a sigh escaped your mouth without your acknowledgement

getting off from the bed, you put your slippers on and walked inside the bathroom to prepare yourself for the day

"you haven't gone to office today?" you asked the figure in the kitchen. you were surprised to see him there at this hour

he turned to you and smiled

you didn't see his smile since a really long time. your gaze lowered to the tray he was holding

"it's Sunday, today" his answer made you slap your forehead internally

"ah, right.. I forgot" sitting down on one of the chairs, you watched as he settled down a plate of delicious looking pancakes in front of you on the table

"you made that?" pointing at the dish, you looked up at him "yeah, I did. taste it and tell me how delicious it is" he sneakily smiled making you laugh at the way he just talked

picking up the fork and the knife, you proceeded to cut the pancake and later on shoved it in your mouth

"mhm" you let out in satisfaction as he cracked a little laugh at your reaction "I know it tastes fabulous" you judgingly frowned at him

"no, it was alright" both of you knew that was a lie "yeah, right" he tsked

"that's why I almost caused you to moan even though we're not in bed-" "yah!" you smacked his biceps

he laughed which made you laugh as well "y/n?" he called your name in between the moment of you both eating "hm?" you hummed in response and looked to your side

it was overwhelming for you to see that he had taken the seat right beside you. usually, since a few days, he used to take the seat right across you. well, if you both ever eat together

maybe in order to distance himself from you since the separation date of you both is approaching

"do you wanna watch a movie?" he suggests "what movie?" you question him about it before resuming to chew on your food

"Oppenheimer?" he finishes his apple juice before turning to you "okay" you agree on his plan

"I'll prepare it" he takes the plates and zooms inside the kitchen


"what did he say?" you question to Jungkook, your eyes focused on the movie "Jungkook-" before you move your head towards him, a heavy weight drops on your left shoulder

"he fell asleep?" you ask yourself and lean to see his sleeping face, lips slightly parted and eyes closed

a light chuckle escapes your mouth when you ears hears soft snores coming from him

but you press your lips against each other, thinking you're disturbing him when you saw him moving in his sleep. but the truth is that he moved to wrap an arm around you and pull you closer to him as he snuggles his face in your neck

you were taken a back indeed but after processing it all, you pulled the blanket over you both

"mhm" he smiles in his sleep, hums in satisfaction after receiving your warmth that he had aimed for


Jungkook wakes up after half an hour of sleeping on you shoulder "you're up?" he furrows at you but nods "how long was I out for?" rubbing his eyes with his hand's back, he asks you

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now