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"good morning, Mr. Jeon" you got up from your seat and greeted your boss who nodded at you before getting inside his office while you also sat back down on your seat

you were peacefully working when your phone suddenly started to vibrate, indicating that a call was coming. you casually picked it up and put it against your ear, still focused on your computer screen

"Hello-" "y/n, you finally picked up!" you fingers stopped pressing the buttons of the keyboard as you took back your phone to see the caller id and instantly regretted picking it up. you were about to cut the call when the voice from the other side spoke again "y/n, please don't hang up" his voice pleaded making you sigh

deciding to finally talk to him, you brought the phone back up to your ear again "what is it, dohyun? I'm busy at office right now" you tried to maintain your voice as stern as possible "oh my god, you know how much I missed your voice?" dohyun exclaimed but you just scoffed

"did you call me just to tell me that?" you were irritated at this point "n-no, I actually wanted to say something else but I couldn't hold in my excitement.." you sensed sadness in his voice which made you bite your lower lip

"then just say it!" you commanded "u-uhm.. it's just that I wanted to explain myself to you. I don't want us to end this beautiful friendship of ours just because of some misunderstandings" he explained

"friendship?" you repeated the relation he put you two in "yes, y/n, friendship" he confirmed making you scoff "listen, dohyun. I'm in no mood to talk to you anymore, so please-" you got cut off by his voice "no no, y/n please don't do this. listen to me just for once, I'm begging you" you sighed before opening your mouth again

"fine, I'll listen to whatever you have to say. just that topic, no unnecessary work and I'll leave right after that" you made yourself clear

you thought to actually give him a chance to tell you what he had to say and after that you'll tell him to stop bothering you anymore

"oh, I'll make sure you never leave, y/n-ie" your brows furrowed at his statement

"what?" you asked making him clear his throat "I-I mean, I know that you won't leave after hearing me out.." a tint of nervousness layered his voice making you raise an eyebrow

"anyways, I'll see you in the evening at my café? I'm really greatful that you gave me a chance" you didn't react much as you bid goodbye before finally cutting the call "hm, goodbye"

you shook your head and attempted to focus back on work again. but a sound came from the inside of your boss's office which made you get up and make your way towards the huge door frames. you knocked against the frames before peaking inside to see your boss furiously banging the table as Taehyung tried to calm him down

"what happened, sir?" you got inside and saw the sell's manager standing still at his position having his head down low. he looked at you before pointing towards the TV screen that was hung on the wall right in front of Jungkook's desk

"It is informed that the 'Lee's Fashion' is now at the top in the fashion industries surpassing 'Jeon's OutWear' . 'Jeon's OutWear' now stands in the second position after rulling the industry from the past 20+ years in position No. 1 . How come Lee breaks the record of Jeon's when it was barely keeping up with the others way lower than Jeon's?" The reporter delivered the news and before she could inform any further, the screen went black as it was turned off

"This is absolute bullshit!" You looked at you boss who groaned in anger. "Sir, please calm down" you took the glass of water from his table and tried to give to him but he just shoved it away, glaring at you

"How do you think I'll be able to calm down after what I just witnessed!?" He shouted at you making you flinch and step back

"y/n, come with me" Taehyung carefully gripped you by the arm and led you out "y/n, you don't understand how big this is for Jungkook" he confronted but you just shook your head in denial

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now