EP XII | Eomma

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You both have been walking on the quiet footpath that leaded to the bus stop. And while doing so, you shared some small incidents in your life while he shared his.. like a small chit chat

"Do you know why I hired you as my secretary?" His sudden question made you wonder about it but eventually shake your head to the sides, answering a no

Jungkook chuckled before answering the questions himself "it's because of your confidence.. I'm one of the biggest CEO in S.Korea so I didn't have any one talk back to me. But that day you talked so many things that actually made me shook" he explained while you just kept on walking beside him, hearing him

"I had many secretaries in my 5 years of career but Kang was the only one to last long.. a year to be exact" he laughed at his own words thinking that just a year was how long his secretary lasted among all

"You weren't supposed to last this long" you stopped on your track before giving him a confused look "I mean, I only hired you thinking that you would get tired of me like everyone else did and eventually leave this job.. but you managed to pass 3 months when I didn't even think of 3 weeks" you secretly rolled your eyes before resuming your walk again

"But the main reason I accepted you as my secretary was because I thought you would be able to bare my shits.. not that it's a work of a secretary to do so but you did prove my guts right nonetheless" you didn't say anything the entire time cause you actually wanted to know why

He was one of the top business man in the country and was also very known for his huge success within just 5 years. But throughout the years people noticed that he didn't accept any female employees

And why he didn't accept them.. was still a mystery. The only women in his current life was his mom and.. you as his secretary. not that you count in his life but do surely count in his surroundings cause women around him is also very rare

"Can I ask you something?" He looked at you before nodding "Sure" you thought for a while if you should ask him or no "what is it?" You were quite thinking whether to ask or not "never mind" you decided not to cause at the end of the day you were just his secretary

Cause the question also might be a little personal for him "come on, say it" he insisted on you to ask but you were hesitant.. but still asked him

"Why don't you like.. females?"

you acknowledged the fact that he was taken aback by your question, his dumbfounded face said it all

you also stopped walking and turned around to face him "that.. no one knows about it except my close ones" he bluntly replied before walking past you in a speed that was to much fast for you to even think about it

Stupid, y/n. I shouldn't have asked that. you scolded yourself before trying to catch up with him "Sir"

He slowed his pace realizing that he was suppose to walk with you

After catching up with him, you sighed and decided to just continue walking instead of saying anything

"My bus arrived" you stated looking at the bus that was coming towards the bus stop before shifting your gaze to him "Sir" you called out for him making him look at you

"I'm sorry if it was personal.. I didn't understand" you apologized, feeling bad at your own self when you saw that the smile he was carrying the whole evening fell down to a frown hearing you

"don't worry about it" he said and the bus stopped right in front of you both "reach home safely, sir. I'll see you tomorrow at office" you bowed and quickly dashed off inside the bus

Jungkook also walked towards his car after your bus had disappeared completely from his sight


"Had fun?" You looked up from your tablet hearing the voice of the person that was one of the two who you really could've beat up right now "you guys left without information us" your voice clearly reflected how pissed you were at the action of the both of them

"We thought not to disturb you cause we saw how much fun you both were having" Taehyung pouted making you form a disgusted face "yah, why are you making that face" he cutely spoke making you laugh a little "yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go back to work"

"Sir, may I come in?" You peaked inside to see Jungkook working on his laptop and later look up at you, nodding letting you come inside "sir, the file that you asked for" you placed the object on his table making him eye it before he dismissed you "hmm, you can go" you bowed before turning your heels and leaving his office

Jungkook's eyes soon after spotted the file he was supposed to give you "aish.. did she leave already?" He glanced at the doorway to see that you already were out from his sight

"Should I call her back- ah, nevermind. I'll just give it to her myself" he said to himself before taking the file in his hold and fastening his pace before exiting

On the other hand, as soon as you got out of his office you remembered about the same thing "I'll just go back-" just as you turned around, you bumped into another hard figure

And to stop you from falling back, your palms were automatically placed on the both side of the person's shoulder while his one hand was placed against your back to do the same

you blinked a few times before opening your eyes to meet the other pair of dark brown ones. realizing the closeness between you and your boss, you quickly took your hand back and were about back out but felt a pull against your neck "ouch- shit"

you cursed seeing that you're necklace was stuck with his shirt's button "I'm sorry-" you then worked on how to detach the both of them "let me see" he also tried to separate them but failed "I'll try" Jungkook waited for you to finish your work when he heard someone say "greetings, Mrs. Jeon"

Looking at the view in front of him, his eyeballs widened as he uttered "m-mom?" hearing his faint voice your face scrunched as you tried to look back "mom?- woah-" your confused figure was dragged to the side, in a darker corner of the room

Jungkook practically had you pushed against the wall, towering over your small figure "w-what are you-" "shh" he placed his index finger on your lips, preventing you from talking any further

your heartbeat was going in an inhuman speed as the gap between you both was little as an inch or so

Jungkook was continuously looking back, seeming like as if he was checking something. He then looked back at you "we need get this detached fast" he mumbled before working his fingers on doing so

"why did you drag me in this small corner?" You whispered yelled "you'll get to know if we don't get caught- first help with this" he replied in the same tone, a little aggressive but in whisper

you sighed feeling yourself getting hot "what did we do that we are hiding-" "just help me!" he shoot you his death glare before you also started helping him "aish!" you whined getting tired

Jungkook on the other hand, looked up at you and that's when he realized the distance between you both

his breathe hitched. noticing his movement stopping, you also looked up at his face and that's when your eyes got locked with each other's

Everything around you seemed to be stopped at that moment. you gulped as you felt tingling sensation down your abdomen

Where as Jungkook was also feeling weird, his eyes seemed to be lost in your ones

But after a few seconds Jungkook's eyes went wide, recognizing the voice that had called his name from the side



please vote and comment to keep me motivated to update the episodes :)

- Author, Adi <3

It's really demotivating to see everyone add this story to their reading lists but not voting and commenting about anything (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

(A little spoiler: y'all future favourite character just entered 😻 )

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