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For some reason, this 'creature' seems sorta familiar. Like I've seen it before.

I read the description of it one more time. It feels even more familiar now. This is so weird. But why would you want to summon it? Is there a reason? There is nothing to it here.

I turned the page in hopes of finding something. On the next page, there are just the instructions to how to despawn it. It reads that you must redo the ritual, but instead of black candles, you must light white candles and then you must repeat:

'Darkness begone!' 8 times.

So you can summon it and be rid of it, just like that? That seems oddly easy. Maybe I could summon it and try to tame it? It's a demon, obviously, so it could have powers. If I could bring it onto my side, it could be a great advantage for me! It could help me save my mom.

'I'll think about it...' I thought and shut the book.

I put the book under my bed. I don't think my grandmother would want me to have this. She might take it from me if she sees it. I could as well go and get some of the things that I need for the ritual. Whether I do this or not, it doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll be needing these things for other rituals, too. I gotta make a list. Wouldn't wanna forget anything.

"Hm, let's see.."

I took a notebook out of my bag and started writing the best I could. My handwriting is still just horse shit, but it's the best I can do.

I wrote down:

Shopping list

- 4 Black pillar candles
- 4 White pillar candles
- Flower bouquet
- Matchsticks


- Ashes
- My blood

"That should be all I think." I said.

But then I realized something. I don't have any money! God damn it. With what am I supposed to even pay. Maybe I could ask my grandmother if she could give me some money? But it feels kinda weird... This is tempting. I can't even say that it's for a ritual. That'd be even weirder. I should say that it's a gift for someone. I'm getting flowers after all!

I should try and find her. She might be downstairs on her throne.

So that's what I did. I went downstairs to check. As I was walking down, I heard her talking to someone. I recognize his voice.

It's Dorian.

He was one of the strongest heroes. He's one of the traitors... I used to have swordfighting classes with him. I stood still behind the curtain. He can NOT see me here in the palace. He would question me.


He's talking to her about my mom. He's saying how much of a loss this is and how it was an honor to serve our Empire in an innocent tone.


I wonder how he can sleep at night. After my grandmother told him her response, he left. I peaked through the curtains first and then stepped out.

"Good morning, grandmother." I said.

"Oh, Patricia. Good morning." She said and smiled.

"What's the matter, dear?" She asked me sitting on her throne.

"Well, um, it's my friends birthday soon and I wanted to get them a gift." I started.

"And I was wondering if I could have some money so I could do so?" I asked.

"Oh really? When is your friends birthday?" She asked.

"On the 31st now in October." I answered.

And it's true, it's Laura's birthday. On the spookiest day of all.

"Well then, if that's the case, then here you go." She snapped her fingers and two Peri bills appeared between her fingers.

She handed them to me. I took them and was quite amazed at what she just did. I thanked her and went back upstairs.

I counted the money. 100 Peris! Holy shit. That's like 80 Dollars. Our currency here in Truelania is called Peri. That's because our land is rich with peridot. It forms deep underground near lava cavities in basalt walls.

Back in the day in Truelania, people used real peridot as currency. Now, to use peridot for other things like jewelry, our currency is in the form of coins and paper.

"100 Peris will definitely be enough."

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