chapter 122 making fuss

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How could it be menstruation? Doctor Wu in the village clearly said that I was pregnant!"

Zheng Yuefen couldn't accept the result, and yelled excitedly.

The doctor frowned and asked her to be quiet.

"lady...this is the hospital. The results of the examination are not wrong. Please accept the reality. Besides, it is a new era. The old traditional Chinese medicine is outdated. It is not possible to determine whether the pulse is 100% pregnant or not. I just  tell you You have to believe in medicine and our scientific diagnosis and treatment equipment. Next time you encounter this kind of thing, remember to come to the hospital for an examination. The result of the examination is 100% reliable."

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is indeed possible for women to become pregnant if there is a slippery pulse, but it is not a pregnancy everytime.

Phlegm, dampness, dizziness, anemia, food accumulation, etc. can also cause slippery pulses. Therefore, doctors often make judgments based on the counterpart's physical reactions, such as menopause and nausea.

How can Zheng Yuefen accept this answer, she is pregnant! She has a good appetite these days, and her belly is so big, how could it not be pregnant!
And she did not have menstruation last month.

"This lady you can't change the reality if you mess around like this. It is common for women to have menstrual disorders. Since this month is here, it means that there is no major problem. If you are not at ease, I suggest you do further inspections. In addition, your belly When you are older, you will eat too much fat. If you are really pregnant, it will only be a few months, and it will not be the time to show your pregnancy."

At that time, Doctor Wu gave Zheng Yuefen a pulse and clearly stated that her pulse was a slippery pulse, but he asked her  that she had to go to the hospital for confirmation if she was  pregnant or not. After all, the conditions in the village were so simple that no further examination could be done.

Moreover, Doctor Wu generally doesn't give her the pulse. He only gave it to her for the sake of the same village. Who knows there is still a problem.

Zhao Donghe took Zheng Yuefen back to the village and drove the car to the next door. The family was worried.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

Zhao Donghe's chest was suffocated by this farce, and the whole family was shocked when he watched his mother tell the story with a wry smile.

" not pregnant! My God, what is this all about? What evil did the Zhao family do in the past life...."

Jia didn't know how to describe it. Such nonsensical things could happen to Zheng Yuefen. She simply suspected that Zheng Yuefen was the reincarnation of the broomstick, and she had fallen home.

Zhao Donghe went to work.

The more Zheng Yufen thought about it, the more unhappy she was at home, so she went out to find Doctor Wu to settle the accounts, saying that he was poor in medical skills , and made him pay for her child.

A lot of people gathered around to watch, Dr. Wu's face was blue with anger.

The most taboo of being a doctor is that others say that his medical skills are not good enough. What's more, his family has been barefoot doctors for generations. Isn't this smashing their family's jobs? It hurts their reputation.

"I clearly reminded you that go to the hospital for an examination. You said that you had menopause. I told you about the possibility of pregnancy based on the pulse phase, and did not give you a definite answer."

Doctor Wu had a good temper, and even though he was angry, he still gave a good explanation.

But Zheng Yuefen was so determined and entangled that no one could stop her.


"Auntie, go and see, your second daughter-in-law Yuefen has a quarrel with Doctor Wu!"

Zhang Yulan called Zhang Qiao and Zhao Donghe in the field. When they heard that Zheng Yuefen was making trouble again, they hurried to the office of Doctor Wu.

"You pay for my child! You quack doctor! You pay for my child!"

Zhao Donghe ran fast. When he arrived at the door, he heard Zheng Yuefen....he was  lost  his face once in the hospital and pulled her back. ...he was too lazy to talk nonsense with her and went to work.

but here She is making trouble again!

In the room, Doctor Wu stood with a cold face, and Zheng Yuefen sat on the ground and howled with her nose and tears. There were many pointing people standing beside her, some from their team and others from other teams.

Zhao Donghe walked over and grabbed Zheng Yuefen and shouted,

"What are you doing, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

"He was wrong, he said I was pregnant, Donghe, I really didn't lie to you, I didn't lie to you!"

Zhao Donghe gritted his teeth and wanted to slap her to death for an instant, but he held it back.

Is it important to cheat at this time? If she didn’t have it, he didn’t say anything. He just hoped that she would stop making fuss but she was here and she rushed to stab these embarrassing things outside

. No one knew about it, but now it’s fine, and it’s spread directly throughout the whole village

Zhao Donghe took Zheng Yuefen away and said a lot of apologetic words to Doctor Wu.

Doctor Wu looked at Zheng Yuefen who was choking and felt that everything went wrong today. He was hit by bird droppings when he went out, but he just couldn't stay calm

he just speak loudly let others to heard..

don't come to in future who want to make fuse like this... I'm not going  to tolerate  it

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