The End of the 6th

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April had quickly come and gone.

Avery sat in the prefect common room silently reading as Lily painted her nails. "Can I tell you something?"

Avery looked up and nodded. "Anything."

Lily looked around to make sure no one was around. "I've been talking to James more."

Avery dropped her book. "No. There's no way!"

Lily covered Avery's mouth with her hand. "Quiet! Look I just, we've been talking some and, I don't know, he just seems more, mature now, less flirty and more friendly."

"Yu loke hun."

Lily moved her hand. "No. I'm just saying he's been, different."

Avery smirked. "You like Potter, you like Potter."

Lily covered the girls mouth again. "Stop! I really don't! I just, I think we could be friends."

Avery shook her head and smiled more. She gently removed Lily's hand. "Just you wait Lily. You're falling for the James Potter charm."

Avery laughed as Remus finished his story about the 3rd year he'd saved from detention. "I'm gonna miss being here with all of you."

Remus smiled. "You'll have to come visit this summer."


"But you probably won't be allowed, will you?"

Avery ran a hand through her hair. "Gran was so mad I skipped going home for Easter holiday."

"After Christmas I'm not surprised you skipped."

"I don't want to go back and have to be there with him. I know she's going to put him on babysitting duty."

"You turn 17 in December. Only seven more months."

Avery smiled lightly. "Only seven more months."

"One more exam and then we're done." Marlene laid out on the blanket Lily set down.

Dorcas smiled and ran a hand through the blonde's hair. "I hope you're ready for a beach filled summer."

"So ready."

"What will the rest of you be doing?"

Lily smiled. "I'm going to France with my family."

"I will be working at the local shop." Ali replied.

Piper blushed. "Peter and his family invited me to spend the summer with them in Wales." Avery grinned and gave the girl a high five.

"Mary? Avery?"

Avery rolled her eyes. "I'll be at home. Doing nothing."

"Same here. My parents may have me get a job though."

"We'll all meet at least once right?" Lily asked.

"Of course! I couldn't go three months without seeing my girls!" Marlene replied.

"Don't worry, in three months we'll all be together everyday again and you'll get sick of us."

"I could never get sick of any of you."

James slightly shook Avery. "We're here."

The girl rubbed her eyes and frowned. She let James grab her bag and drag her out to see his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Potter smiled as the two came closer. Mia hugged the girl first. "Make sure you owl or floo if you need anything at all dear."

Avery smiled. "I will. Don't worry though, I'll be seeing you."

Monty frowned. "Avery, we're being serious. If you need anything you come straight to us."

Sirius popped up behind Avery. "We'll beat that old woman up if you need."

"Don't say that with so many people around Sirius!"

"It's the truth. We've all agreed."

Avery rolled her eyes. "I'll owl you all." She turned back to Monty. "I promise to go to you if anything happens."

Mia and Monty hugged the girl. "I see your gran over there. I wouldn't keep her waiting." Mia said as she backed up.

Avery turned and saw her gran watching her. "I'll see you soon."

Ahhhhh okay. I know I was really quick with this year but I really want to get to 7th year and I really really want to start going through and editing stuff and fixing the story in place but I can't until I finish! Anyway I hope you enjoyed year 6.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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