I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here: Final Part

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You make sure no nurse or doctor comes in while Ezekiel is examining Sam. He places his hand on Sam's chest and he looks inside to see how much damage he has sustained since stopping the trials.

"Are you still able to cure things after the fall?" Dean asks.

"Yes, I should be, but he's so weak."

Dean's phone rings, and he answers it when he doesn't recognize the number.

"Who is this?" His face changes into something you don't recognize, and he motions for you to come outside with him. You bring your kids with you because you don't trust this angel around them. "Cas, what the hell is going on?"

"Castiel? Where are you?" you ask once Dean puts him on speakerphone.

"Metatron tricked me. It wasn't angel trials. It was a spell. I wanted you to know that," he sighs.

You can tell in his voice that he feels so bad about all of this.

"Okay. That's great, but we've got ourselves a problem."

"What's wrong?"

"It's Sam. He's--"

Dean cuts himself off because he can't bring himself to say the words.

"He's dying, Castiel. At first, he was okay, and now he's not. We've been praying to you all night. Where are you?"

"Metatron took my grace. I'm no longer an angel." He gives you a moment to process this before continuing. "Don't worry about me. What are you doing for Sam?"

"Uh, everything I can. There's actually another angel in there working on him right now," Dean says.

"What other angel?"

"His name is Ezekiel. Is he a good one?" you ask.

"Ezekiel. Yes. He's a good soldier. He should be able to help until I get there."

"No, that's not an option. Do not come here," Dean shuts him down. "There are angels out there. They came here looking for you, and they're pissed."

"Not all of them, Dean. Some are just looking for direction. Some are just lost."

"What are you talking about?" you ask.

"I met one. I think I can help her."

"No, Cas, I know you want to help, okay? I do, but helping angels is what got you in trouble in the first place. Now, I'm begging you, for once, look out for yourself. Until we figure out what the hell is going on, trust nobody."

"And do what? Just abandon them all?" Castiel sighs.

"Castiel, listen to what we're saying. There are thousands of angels out there looking for you, and you're human now. That means you bleed, eat, sleep, and all of the things you never had to worry about before."

"I'm fine, Y/N."

You're about to argue some more when the hospital starts shaking as if there is an earthquake.

"What the hell is going on?"

"What's happening?" Castiel asks.

"We have more company. Please, just go to the Bunker and we will figure it out together, okay?"

Dean hangs up the phone, and both of you rush into Sam's room.

"Is that one of yours?" you ask about the hospital shaking.

"Yes, they're trying to secure a vessel. We need to move."

"No, if we move him, he dies."

"If we stay, we could all die."

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