#thinman: Part One

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"Go fetch!"

You throw the ball as far as you can and Zeus takes off running toward it. Colonel is getting too old to run around after a ball so he's laying underneath the shade and watching. Joanna and Noah are in the treehouse having a lot of fun based on the laughter you hear. Maryann is swinging in the baby swing with a smile on her face. Whenever Zeus takes off running, she laughs at the faces the wind causes him to make.

"What are you two doing up there?" you ask your kids.

"Nothing," Joanna giggles and makes an appearance in the second story. "It's top secret."

You can't imagine a more perfect family than the one you have right now. Noah is adapting quickly considering you took him in less than six months ago. No family has come forth to claim him, so you saved him years of foster home abuse.

"Hey, you got a minute?" Dean says when he walks outside.

"Dada!" Maryann squeals.

"Hey, baby girl." Dean walks over to his youngest and kisses her on the forehead. "I found a case. A girl was killed in her room even though everything was locked. A picture was posted of one of her selfies, and there is a ghost figure behind her."

"Okay, we'll be in right away. Kids! We gotta go inside now!"

Joanna and Noah rush down the ladder while you grab Maryann, and all four of you head back inside to join the brothers.

"Are we allowed to come?" Noah asks.

"You can. Go get ready."

While they get ready, you and Dean find Sam sitting at one of the tables in the library doing some research.

"Alright, we'll be back."

"Where are you two headed?"

"Washington. I caught a case."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Do you want to come?"

"On a hunt? Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, man because lately, up is down and down is sideways, you know? I don't know what you want." Sam glares at his brother who rolls his eyes. "You want in? Fine. Sure thing." Dean pulls the photo of the girl that was posted online. "This photo was leaked from the crime scene. The girl was murdered in her room with the doors and windows locked."

"Who's the wallflower?" Sam asks about the ghost.

"Exactly. My best guess is a ghost caught on film. So, you're coming?"

"Does it look like I'm staying?" Sam asks and gathers his laptop.

After the kids are ready to go, everyone piles into the car for the long twenty-four-hour trip ahead of you. Noah is trying to learn all he can about the hunting world, so depriving him of crime scenes doesn't do him any good. Joanna is still too young to be seeing all the blood and gore, and Maryann is definitely too young.

You don't want to keep leaving them in motel rooms or the car, so you bring them into Casey Miles' home. She's the young girl whose picture was leaked. Her mother isn't thrilled to have young children in her home, but they're on their best behavior.

Inside Casey's room is a large bloodstain on the carpet that just isn't coming out. Abby Miles, Casey's mother, looks at your kids but doesn't say anything about them.

"Sorry about the mess. I scrubbed for hours. I'll have to rip up the carpet. My daughter, Casey, picked out the color herself."

"We're very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Miles. You mentioned Casey had no known enemies. What about at home? Anything unusual you may have noticed? Electricity acting up, lights flickering, or TV on the fritz?"

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