Sharp Teeth: Part One

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It's been a month and a half since you've been home, and you miss your kids dearly. Sam needed the space to recuperate, but you're going home now. He can get over the fact that he has to live with you and Dean again. He doesn't have to talk to you, but you're claiming your home again.

Sam didn't call you for the whole month and a half, so you know your kids are safe. It's a good thing you've spent all this time away from them because the Mark has been giving you an immense amount of power. You don't want to accidentally hurt them, so you took this time apart to control your powers and learn to live with the Mark.

To be honest, you kind of love the new power running through your veins. Dean has the exact same mark as you, so it connects the two of you emotionally. Whatever he feels, you can feel to an extent. He won't want to talk about how he's feeling, but you're not going to let him bottle this one up.

As much as you want to make him open up about his feelings, you have more pressing matters to attend to. Hunters put other hunters on their emergency contact in case they were taken out by a monster, so when you got the call that Garth was in the hospital, you and Dean headed over there immediately.

He's been pumped full of drugs, so he's not up for questioning right now. You approach the side of his bed and place a hand on the side of his cheek. Whatever external wounds he has, you heal, and you're not sure what kind of internal damage he has. He's handcuffed to the bed because he's being charged with killing a cow after getting hit by a car.

"What the hell has he gotten himself into?" you sigh.

The door opens but before you can turn to see who enters, you hear the familiar patter of feet.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Joanna says.

You turn to see her rushing over to Dean while Noah rushes over to you. Sam enters the room with Maryann in his arms. He's not too happy to see you and Dean, but seeing you reunite with your kids makes him happy.

"My babies," you grin and kiss Noah's head before doing the same to Joanna's.

"Dada!" Maryann squeals when she sees her dad.

"Is that her first word? Has she spoken before?" you gasp.

"Do you really think I wouldn't call you if she said her first word before today?" Sam sighs.

Dean passes Joanna to you so he can take Maryann from Sam's arms.

"That's two for two, you know," Dean smirks and kisses his daughter's cheeks.

"The next one better say 'mama' first," you grumble quietly. "Where are you coming from?"

"You know, out."

"He hasn't really left the Bunker," Noah says.

"Thank you, Noah. I can handle this."

"Well, you can head back to the Bunker because Y/N and I got this. We'll take our kids off your hands for a while."

"Have you spoken to him?" Sam changes the subject.

"No. He's pumped full of painkillers. He's been out since we got here."

"What is he being charged with?"

"Killing a cow. We were about to see if we could find out. Close the door."

When Sam closes and locks the door, you set Joanna on her feet so you can wake Garth up with your magic. Your magic seeps into his skin, and he shoots up screaming his head off.

"Garth, calm down. You're okay," you say gently.

"Dean? Sam? Y/N? What is this? A hospital? Wait. Am I in Heaven?"

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