Do You Believe In Miracles?: Part One

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With every ounce of strength, you blast everyone back from your magic. The force is enough to wake Maryann up from her sleep in her car seat. Sam and Castiel get thrown into the wall behind them, Gadreel gets thrown off balance, and Dean stays right where he is. Gadreel looks at you with fear in his eyes as you stalk slowly to him. You throw a ball of magic into his stomach and he doubles over in pain.

"That was for messing with my brother-in-law."

You form a ball of magic just as Dean gets ready to use the blade again when Sam and Castiel jump in to stop this execution. Sam grabs his brother while Castiel holds you back with his arms wrapped around your waist. You scream in frustration as the magic in your eyes burns brighter but Castiel uses all of his strength to hold you off Gadreel.

Maryann starts bawling her eyes out because she is scared at seeing you like this, but you barely hear her over the loud screeching the Mark is giving you.

"Dean, drop the blade!"


"Dean, look at me. Drop the blade!"

"Let me go!" you scream and try to free yourself from the angel.

Castiel doesn't see you letting this go anytime soon, so he puts two fingers to your head and sends waves of energy that disrupt the magic inside of you. You drop to the floor screaming in pain because of the worst kind of headache you've ever experienced. It's as if your brain is exploding, putting the pieces back together, and exploding again. You grip both sides of your head and weave your fingers into your hair, but nothing you do seems to stop your head from splitting open internally.

"Dean! Dean!" you cry and look up at him.

Hearing you cry for him snaps him out of his trance. He drops the Blade and Sam kicks it away from him so he can't grab it. Gadreel sighs a breath of relief knowing you and Dean aren't trying to kill him at this moment.

Despite the crying child in the room, Castiel and Sam bring you and Dean to the dungeon where Crowley was once held. You fall to the floor with a groan and roll over onto your back. The headache is gone but the effects are still in motion. Just like that, the fever, sweats, and shaking comes back as if you were never healed from it.

"What the hell did you do to me?" you moan in pain.

"The hell if you think I'm sitting on the sidelines for this one, guys."

"Look at your wife," Sam points to you. "Something is wrong with both of you. Your daughter is upstairs bawling her eyes out because you two scared her. Until we figure out what's going on, this is where you two have to stay."

"What are you two going to do? Take on Metatron by yourselves? Yeah, let's see how well that fucking works out! You lost your angel army," he says to Castiel, "and you're trying to lock up the two people who have a shot at killing this son of a bitch!" he yells at Sam.

Sam and Castiel don't respond. Instead, they shut the dungeon doors, locking you and Dean inside with nothing to drink or eat. Not like you're thinking about that at this moment.


You push through your pin and stand up. All you can think about is wanting to kill both of them.

"Let us out!" you scream at the top of your lungs.

Hearing you scream like that scares both you and Dean because you've never acted like this no matter how pissed you got. You muster up some magic and slam it into the doors, but they don't budge. Using that magic takes the wind out of you, and you fall to the ground in pain. The magic relieves the itch on your shoulder, but using that magic is what makes you weaker and sicker.

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