Bad Boys: Final Part

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You and Sam leave the house to Noah and Dean, and you enter the barn cautiously. There is a trapdoor leading up to the rafters, and you nudge Sam. He walks toward it and lowers the ladder before climbing up himself. You're quick to follow, and you're shocked at what you see. There is a small makeshift bed in the corner, some water bottles, food wrappers, hand-drawn pictures on the wall, and every indication that Timmy had been living up here.

You walk closer to the pictures on the wall to see it clearly. One of them shows a happy family, another shows a car driving with the word "YMMOM" written on it, another shows the same car in a car crash with fire around it, and the last one is of a woman putting a young boy outside while she is trapped in the car.

That's Timmy, and that must be his mother.

"His mother must be attached to Timmy. We have to warn Dean."

You two scramble down to the ground before running towards the house at full speed. If Timmy is a danger to people who hurt him, then he can be a danger to your family. His mother must be killing people who bully Timmy, and she can perceive any negative comment or punishment as torture to her little boy.

You yank the front door open, but before you can get far, a vase is thrown at your head. You duck right before it can touch you, and the glass shatters on the wall behind you. There are tons of vases and other objects flying through the wall and crashing into other ones. Dean rushes into the main living room and grabs one of the iron pokers just as the lamp flies over to him. He ducks before he can get hit, and you turn to leave the house.

However, the door slams shut and locks before you can leave.

"It's locked!"

You, Sam, Noah, and Dean rush into the kitchen where Sam looks for a container of salt. Once found, he pours it on the ground in a circle that's big enough to hold all four of you.

"Stay in here. Do not get out of it," you say to Noah.

"Guys," Sam says in a warning tone.

You and Dean turn to see young Timmy holding his action figure.

"I can't control her," he whimpers.

"Can't control who?" Dean asks.

"Your mom, right?" you say and slowly walk toward him. "Timmy, listen, you need to tell us about the fire. What happened?" Timmy isn't sure how to begin, but you have a son to look after. "Timmy, I have a family here. My son is here. I need to protect him. Please."

"It was late," he sighs, "and we were driving home when we crashed into the woods. Everything was on fire, but she saved me and pushed me out before the car blew up with her in it."

"That's not all, is it?"

"I ran through the woods. I found an empty building where I hid. I was scared. It was dark and cold. So, I cried. I cried for my mom, and then she came."

Your eyes move down to the action figure in Timmy's hand.

"Did she give you that action figure?"

"Yeah, when I turned nine."

Before you can say anything, a figure flickers to life near the refrigerator. It's Timmy's mom, and she looks burned from head to toe. Her blonde hair is dirty and matted, much like how it was before she died.

"Timmy, I'm going to need that action figure."

The spirit raises her hands and throws Sam across the room to get to you. She rushes at you, but Dean swipes the iron poker through her, causing her to mist away. She'll be back for her son, so you don't have much time. You snatch the doll from Timmy's hand, and before he has a chance to grab it back, you use your magic to ignite it. The doll goes up in blue flames in the palm of your hand.

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