Holy Terror: Part One

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Lately, you and the brothers have been investigating a lot of angelic crimes. Maybe one of them will lead you to Metatron so you can kick him in the ass for kicking all angels out of Heaven. If you ever see him face to face, you're going to show him just what the Sapphire Witch can truly do.

Another crime popped up on your radar, and this time, the kids are coming with you. You're strapping down Joanna and Maryann in their car seats while Noah is already in his seat. Colonel and Zeus are pawing at your legs to come with, but this is only a routine check-up. You don't need to bring them with you since you're not leaving the state to do so.

"You two are going to have to stay here," you say to them. Colonel whines while Zeus sits obediently. "Colonel, Kevin is going to watch you. We'll be back before you know it." You finish strapping Maryann in and get into the front since all three kids take up the backseat of the Impala. "How do you like it here, Noah?"

"I love it. I'm learning so much."

"How do you like Joanna and Maryann?"

"I like watching Spongebob with Jo, and Mary is cool."

Noah will get used to his sisters eventually, and you want to make that process as easy as possible for him. You can't force something like this to happen or else he won't like his life here. The only thing you worry about is Sam. Ezekiel is popping up more than usual, and Joanna is at that age when she starts to notice a change in her uncle. If you're not careful, the kids will start to ask questions that you won't be able to answer.

Dean and Sam come out and let the dogs back into the bunker. They get in and start the three-hour drive to Wichita, which is where the crime scene is. The drive is pretty silent with the girls taking a nap and Noah listening to his music. You passed by the "100 miles left" sign a bit ago, so you'll get there in no time.

As you expected, Ezekiel comes out just to see what's going on, and since he's out, Dean decides to ask him about Sam.

"So, is he better?"

"Yes. Sam is much improved. It shouldn't be much longer now."

"Okay, you know you said the same thing last week, right?" you say.

"As I told you when we met, this will take time."

"Okay, well, go then," Dean groans in frustration. "Heal. I'd like my brother back, please."

"I must say, Dean, I'm very uncomfortable with this whole trip. Investigating crimes involving angels or anything involving angels puts me, and therefore, Sam, at risk."

"It's the family business, Ezekiel. If we ignore this, Sam is going to think that something is going on. This is what we do. Why don't you trust us?"

"I trust you to be discreet."

"Wait, if you know where we're going, that means you've been listening in. Are you hearing everything between Y/N, me, and Sam?"

"No. Just a word here and there. I have better things to do with my time than eavesdrop, like heal your brother."

You have a feeling he's lying, but you don't question it because you really want Sam back.

"Okay, because here's the thing—"

Sam's eyes glow blue as Ezekiel retreats to the back of Sam's mind, bringing your best friend back out.

"You know, I was gonna say, it seems like it's getting really quiet out there. Not a peep from the angels, and even Buddy Boyle goes off the air to stop recruiting for them."

To Sam, no time has passed from before Ezekiel came out, so he's continuing as if nothing has changed. To you and Dean, you have to remember what he said last without forgetting what Ezekiel said.

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